Bay-Delta Office
The Bay-Delta Office coordinates the legal and regulatory compliance requirements associated with the Central Valley Project, provides biological support for water operations, implements many of the fish and wildlife project purposes, and supports water supply development, in partnership with other Reclamation offices, agencies, stakeholders, interested parties, and the public.
2021 Reinitiation of Consultation of the Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project
On Nov. 15, 2024, Reclamation released the final Environmental Impact Statement for the Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project. The document analyzes five alternatives reflecting a reasonable range of options for the operation of dams, powerplants, and related facilities of the Central Valley Project and Delta facilities of the State Water Project. The draft Environmental Impact Statement was distributed in July 2024 followed by six public meetings. More than 1,000 comments were received and responded to as part of the final Environmental Impact Statement. Reclamation expects to finalize the new operating plan with a record of decision on Dec. 20,2024.
The final environmental impact statement is available at
WIIN Act Quarterly Update Meeting
On December 10, 2024, Reclamation held a quarterly meeting to provide an update on the development of the Biological Assessment for the 2021 Reinitiation of Consultation on the Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project, pursuant to the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act.
- Meeting Slides: View meeting slides
Current News
- Building a defense against extinction
- Central Valley Project Water Temperature Modeling Platform
- Tag, you’re it! Reclamation supports cooperative effort to track Central Valley steelhead
- Returning a piece of the Delta to nature’s blueprint
- Reclamation, key partners build a haven for iconic fish species
- Making a major river corridor more fish-friendly
- Building a defense against extinction
Reclamation proposes to enter into an agreement with the Sacramento River Settlement Contractors to establish a Drought Protection Program. It would be implemented in two phases that require water use reductions by the SRSC, in years that meet certain criteria based on hydrologic conditions. The program includes investments in drought resiliency projects. The proposed action would provide for additional flexibility in Reclamation's management of operation of the CVP during drought conditions. The public comment period for the program’s draft environmental assessment concludes Dec. 26, 2024.