Dakotas Area Office

304 East Broadway Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 250-4242
Fax: (701) 250-4326

Area Manager: Joe Hall

Deputy Area Manager: Scott Hettinger

Media Contact: Michelle Boehm

Phone: (701) 221-1207


Belle Fourche Reservoir
Belle Fourche Reservoir

Public Notice: Heart Butte Dam

The Bureau of Reclamation has released the final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the construction of a Safety of Dams Modification Project at Heart Butte Dam.

No significant issues were identified during initial public scoping or through the release of the draft environment assessment; therefore, Reclamation has signed the FONSI and will proceed with Reclamation’s preferred alternative.

The need for the dam safety modification project arises from Reclamation’s duty to ensure the safety and reliability of Heart Butte Dam.

Construction is expected to require two to three years and a temporary reduction of Lake Tschida to the minimum water elevation of 2,030 feet. The reduction in reservoir elevation is necessary to ensure safe working conditions and enable project site dewatering during the construction period.

Please review the documents on the Heart Butte Safety of Dams Modifictaion Project page.

Public Notice: Duer Lake

Additional Documents:

Public Notice: Belle Fourche Reservoir

The Bureau of Reclamation plans will implement several administrative changes at Belle Fourche Reservoir (BFR) in 2024. First, Reclamation will restrict public vehicular access on two small segments of administrative roadways at BFR as a part of management actions identified in the 2020 Belle Fourche Reservoir Resource Management Plan (RMP). The areas to be restricted to administrative use only will include the north end of Belle Fouche Dam and across the emergency spillway between Bird Island View Road and CCC Point. Both segments were identified for closure to public access due to public health and safety issues. These issues were identified during the 2020 RMP.

In preparation for these closures, Reclamation made vehicle parking and access road improvements to the Bird Island View and CCC Point areas as identified in the 2020 RMP to enhance shore fishing access and improve road access to camping areas. Reclamation will continue improving roads and shore fishing access in the Fruitdale area beginning in 2024 with the assistance of the South Dakota Army National Guard.

Starting this fall, Reclamation will also designate a Special Use Area for Belle Fourche Reservoir to convert the Inlet Canal, Fruitdale Area and the CCC Point areas to day-use only areas as identified in the 2020 RMP. Prior to this designation change Reclamation improved road access at camping areas on the east side of the reservoir and at Gadens Point to accommodate additional campers.

Recreational activity has increased substantially at Belle Fourche Reservoir over the past few years, prompting Reclamation and South Dakota Game Fish and Parks to make needed improvements for the public. The 2020 Belle Fourche Reservoir Resource Management Plan laid out improvements and changes to be implemented at the Reservoir. During the RMP public involvement process, the public identified the need for road improvements, improved camping, shore fishing access, and the addition of vault toilets. Reclamation and the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks are making those improvements as time and funding allows.

Belle Fourche Project is in western South Dakota northeast of the Black Hills. Principal structures include a diversion dam, a storage dam, a system of canals, laterals, and drains to irrigate 57,068 acres in the general area of Newell, Vale, and Nisland, South Dakota, along the valley of the Belle Fourche River. The project is a single-purpose development; however, flood control, fish and wildlife conservation, and recreation benefits are inherently provided.

Belle Fourche Reservoir map

For more information, please contact Jay Leasure (605) 519-5504 or at jleasure@usbr.gov.

Finding of No Significant Impact for Fort Berthold Rural Water System

Reclamation has completed a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) on the final programmatic environmental assessment for the Phase III of Water Infrastructure Projects within Fort Berthold Rural Water System, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.

No significant issues were identified during initial public scoping or through the release of the draft environment assessment; therefore, Reclamation has signed the FONSI and will proceed with Reclamation’s preferred alternative.

A draft programmatic environmental assessment (PEA) was prepared for the proposed Project and made available for a 30-day comment period in November 2023. A final PEA was completed on January 16, 2024, and a FONSI was signed on January 22, 2024.

Hardcopies of the FONSI and final PEA may be obtained by calling Ashley Persinger, Supervisory Natural Resource Specialist, at 701-221-1282 or by requesting in writing from Area Manager, Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 1017, Bismarck, North Dakota, 58502. A copy of the FONSI and final PEA are located below:

  • Final PEA and FONSI
  • Letter to Public
  • Appendix D

Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment Fort Berthold Rural Water System Projects

Resource Management Plans

Market Rent Surveys



Projects & Places

Last Updated: 1/17/25