Projects by Funding Year

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Science and Technology Research Funded in 2014

The following 111 research projects were fully or partially funded by the Science and Technology Program in 2014. Click on a highlighted Researcher link to learn more about that project's Principal Investigator, or click on a linked project title to view that project's details.

Researcher Title ID Start Year End Year
Arias-Paic, Miguel Robust Water Treatment Systems for Rural and Small Communities 1759 2014 2015
Bell, Alan Investigating the Capabilities of the UAV-Predator for Reclamation Infrastructure O&M 9059 2014 2014
Blatchford, Douglas B. A Web-Based Data Assimilation Framework for Improving Operational Decision Making 4628 2014 2014
Bountry, Jennifer Predicting Vertical and Lateral Sediment Erosion in River and Reservoir Settings 7356 2012 2014
Clark, Douglas Exploring Potential Uses of Near Remote Sensing and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technologies in Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Science, Engineering, and Operations to Reduce Costs and Add Capabilities 3734 2012 2014
Clark, Douglas Pilot Testing Data Stewardship Processes on River Restoration and Hydrologic Data Sets 3760 2013 2014
Clark, Douglas Scoping Tools for Water Conflict Management 1380 2014 2014
Collins, Kent Developing Guidelines for Formulating Reservoir Sustainability Plans 6080 2013 2014
Dahm, Katharine Produced Water Treatment Primer for Oil and Gas Operations 1617 2013 2014
DeHaan, Jim Plant Condition Monitoring 2879 2014 2016
DeHaan, Jim Power System Safety 5446 2014 2014
DeHaan, Jim Protection System Testing Improvements 2446 2014 2016
Delagah, Saied Concentrate Minimization via Pellet Softening - Process Evaluation and Pilot Study 2444 2012 2014
Dundorf, Steve Demonstration Forward Osmosis Treatment System 326 2014 2014
Eastment, Eric Power System Diagnostics 5040 2014 2015
Eder, Christopher Scoping the potential use of ecosystem service accounting protocols in environmental analysis 4942 2014 2014
Ferguson, Ian Michael Continued Field Measurement of Riparian ET, Lower Colorado River Basin 6224 2014 2015
Foraker, Erin K Hydro Power Roadmap 9488 2014 2014
Gaeuman, David Compilation and Assessment of River Restoration Evaluation Metrics 7592 2014 2014
Gallagher, Theresa Identify Primary Noise Sources in the Powerplant and Implement Noise Engineering Controls to Reduce Exposures to Employees 6433 2012 2014
Gangopadhyay, Subhrendu Analysis of infrequent large groundwater recharge events: Their importance for long-term groundwater availability, use, and management 5424 2014 2015
Gangopadhyay, Subhrendu Flood Frequency Variability on Seasonal to Multidecadal Time Scales in the Western US and Implications for Infrastructure Planning 1916 2013 2015
Gangopadhyay, Subhrendu Forecasting Crop Irrigation Water Requirements 1472 2014 2014
Gault, Greg Design and Development of a Prototype Tool for Integrated Climate Downscaling and Streamflow Prediction using Open Source GIS Software 9449 2013 2014
Germann, John Cavitation Detection Technology for Optimizing Hydraulic Turbine Operation and Maintenance 2386 2014 2014
Germann, John Shear Pin Failure Prediction Through the Use of Acoustic Emission Sensing and Analysis 7567 2013 2014
Greimann, Blair Effects of Climate Change and Reservoir Operations on Riparian Vegetation 1596 2014 2016
Guerra, Katherine Development and evaluation of a hybrid photovoltaic reverse osmosis system for treating brackish groundwater 1340 2014 2015
Guerra, Katherine Development of new chlorine-resistant polyamide membranes 4924 2014 2014
Guerra, Katherine Evaluating the costs and benefits of treating locally impaired water supply sources versus importation of fresh water 9252 2014 2014
Hall, Geoffrey Multi-Sensor Array Buoy for Water-Side Security of Dams 8423 2014 2014
Hamel, Jama Broad Area Irrigation Scheduling Mobile App 966 2014 2014
Hanna, Leslie Application of Flow Deflector Technology 3532 2014 2014
Hanna, Leslie Downstream fish passage for large storage dams 3544 2014 2014
Harpman, David Alexander Discounting for Long-Lived Water Resource Investments 3574 2014 2014
Harpman, David Alexander Value Attributes in Pump Generation Plants 9737 2014 2015
Haws, Mitchell Renewable Power Generation for Water Transmission 8343 2012 2014
Haws, Mitchell Solar Photovoltaic Desalination 4850 2011 2014
Heiner, Bryan Field Evaluation of Low-cost Ultrasonic Flow Meters 8632 2014 2016
Hilldale, Robert C. Calibration of Bed Load Impact Sensors for Surrogate Sediment Measurement 115 2012 2014
Hilldale, Robert C. Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project 2559 2013 2015
Hilldale, Robert C. Passive Acoustic (Hydrophone) Measurement of Coarse Bed Load 4864 2012 2014
Hoag, Anna An Evaluation of Water Management Opportunities Related to Oil and Gas Development – Upper Washita River Basin, Oklahoma 3607 2014 2014
Hoag, Anna Development of Methodologies to Evaluate the Environmental, Financial and Social Benefits of Water Reuse Projects 4180 2014 2014
Hoag, Anna Integrating Reclamation Advanced Water Treatment Research Priorities into Pilot and Demonstration Projects 1009 2014 2014
Holdren, Chris Investigating an Innovative Constructed Wetland Design for Removing Endocrine Disrupting Compounds from Reclaimed Wastewater 9589 2015 2017
Hosler, Denise Detecting Environmental Impacts of Invasive Mussel Infestations: Development of an Algae and Zooplankton Database using FlowCam™ Technology 2387 2014 2015
Hosler, Denise Detection of Invasive Mussel Environmental DNA (eDNA) by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 8912 2014 2014
Hosler, Denise Dressinid Mussel Monitoring and Detection Laboratory 5042 2013 2015
Hubble, Joel Denney Design An Adult Fish Transport System For Dam Passage 289 2014 2014
Johnson, Anastasia Impacts from Operational Releases to Populations at Risk 1227 2014 2014
Johnson, Jennifer Hydro-Economic Model Completion and Technology Transfer 8937 2013 2014
Johnson, Jennifer Investigating the Impact of River Regulation on Groundwater Supplies in the Western US 2892 2013 2014
Johnson, Jennifer MODSIM versus RiverWare: A comparative analysis of two surface water modeling tools. 3669 2014 2014
Johnson, Jennifer Scoping Methods for Evaluating and Computing Future Agricultural Water Needs 596 2014 2014
Karp, Cathy Development of Full-Duplex Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Antenna system for Deep River/Canal Systems 5437 2014 2014
Karp, Cathy Life history and ecological impacts of quagga mussels in Lake Havasu, Lower Colower River 9084 2014 2015
Karp, Cathy Testing ability of widely used fish screens to resist quagga mussel fouling 5740 2014 2015
Keele, Jacque Identification of Unknown Organisms by DNA Barcoding: A Molecular Method for Species Classification 45 2014 2014
Keele, Jacque Optimization of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Primers for Early Detection of Quagga and Golden Mussels 3688 2014 2014
Kelly, Kevin L. Aquatic Species Surveillance Using Environmental DNA 2105 2014 2014
Kelly, Kevin L. Mitigation of Hard Mineral Scaling 2092 2014 2014
Kelly, Kevin L. Performance Testing for Polymerase Chain Reaction Assays 7954 2014 2015
Kelly, Kevin L. Production and Testing of Antibodies for Dreissena Mussels 9640 2011 2014
Kihara, Kathy Use of Aqualastic to encapsulate degraded RCC Lining in Canals 786 2013 2015
Kimbrel, Sean Maximizing the Benefit of Smaller Engineered Log Jams 5796 2014 2014
Kimbrel, Sean Validation and Improvement of SRH-1D for Dam Removal and Sediment Sluicing Projects 5325 2014 2014
Kubitschek, Joseph Piezometer plate testing for ASME PTC design and installation guidelines 5221 2014 2014
Lai, Yong Quantitative Modeling Tools of Scour and Morphological Impact due to Large Wood Debris Structures 4495 2014 2016
Lasater, Christina Valuing Flow and Water Dependent Ecological Resiliency under the Secure Water Act 8737 2013 2014
Leitz, Frank Developing a deterministic model for predicting cleaning frequency due to inorganic scaling on reverse osmosis membranes 792 2013 2014
Lindeman, Dale Nuisance Aquatic Plant Control in Water Delivery Systems 6688 2014 2014
Little, Daryl Demonstration Project to Implement Electro-Osmotic Pulse (EOP) Technology to Stop Water Leaks Through Concrete 7226 2014 2014
Merten, Bobbi Jo Coating Service Lifetime Evaluation by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) 7673 2013 2015
Merten, Bobbi Jo Reclamation Infrastructure Sustainability Research Roadmapping 151 2014 2015
Mortensen, Josh Comparison of physical observations and simulations of air entrainment 9509 2014 2015
Mortensen, Josh Evaluation of Hydro-Kinetic Impacts to Existing Water Delivery and Power Infrastructure 7317 2014 2015
Mortensen, Josh Optimization of Turbulence Generation System to Prevent Invasive Mussel Colonization within Pipelines 4183 2014 2015
Murray, Christopher Generalized Stream Flow Depletions Model for Historic and Projected Future Climate Scenarios 8013 2014 2014
Nelson, Mark Ecological Costs of Streamflow Regulation 8721 2012 2014
Nelson, Mark Predicting the ecological consequences of hydrologic and thermal modification in wadeable streams: The climatic context 8224 2014 2014
Nelson, Mark Streamflow and Nutrient Constraints on the Productivity and Habitat Quality of Desert Riparian Ecosystems in the West 15 2012 2014
Nickel, Arlan Building Capacity for Incorporating Uncertainties and Communicating Results in Reclamation’s Long Term Planning and Decision-Making Processes 6262 2014 2014
Piper, Steven Use of the California Urban Water Conservation Council BMP datbase to evaluate water conservation method effectiveness 1408 2014 2014
Pucherelli, Sherri Evaluation of the Impact of Ultra-Violet Light Treatment on Quagga Mussel Veligers at Davis Dam 891 2014 2014
Pucherelli, Sherri Habitat Suitability Parameters for Invasive Mussels at Reclamation Managed Facilities and Waters 6714 2013 2015
Pucherelli, Sherri Impact of Sample Preservation on the Detection of Invasive Mussel Larvae (veligers) by Microscopy and PCR 3157 2014 2014
Rager, Audrey Concrete Core Logging Tablet App 5481 2014 2014
Rager, Audrey Improving Concrete Longevity and Durability Using Natural Pozzolans and Roman Mix Designs 7137 2014 2014
Robertson, John Leaching Lithium 1938 2014 2016
Robertson, John Moisture Content Requirements for Effective Concrete Repairs 2886 2014 2015
Rothwell, Eric Application of a Physically-Based Distributed Snowmelt Model in Support of Reservoir Operations and Water Management 2264 2013 2015
Rothwell, Eric Enhancing Predictions of Climate Change Impacts on Snow Distribution and Melt Patterns in the Mountain West 8106 2014 2016
Scott, Carrie Exploring methods to predict, manage, and control alluvial material transport 7796 2014 2014
Skaja, Allen Antifouling Coatings for Invasive Mussel Control 7095 2010 2015
Skaja, Allen Durable Silicone Foul-release Coatings Formulations CRADA 809 2014 2016
Spears, Mark Improved Estimation of Reservoir Evaporation 7662 2013 2015
Sutphin, Zak The Efficiency of SandWand Technology as a Habitat Restoration Tool for Native Salmonids in Small Tributaries 8351 2011 2014
Svoboda, Connie Designing Large Wood Structures to Improve Public Safety 8952 2014 2014
Svoboda, Connie Literature Review of Electric Barriers for Returning Adult Salmonids 9447 2014 2014
Swoboda, Kristin UAS Research for Optimal Lightweight Camera/Sensor Options for Low Cost Sensed Data and Imagery 9179 2014 2014
Tordonato, David Field Scale-up testing of Foul Release Coatings 5270 2013 2015
Torrey, Jessica Localization and Spectroscopic Techniques for the Detection of Corrosion on Rebar in Concrete 5213 2014 2014
Torrey, Jessica TiO2 Cement for Green Construction 7846 2014 2014
Torrey, Jessica Use of Tablet Computers for Field and Lab Work 6816 2014 2014
Turcotte, Roger Potentiodynamic Polarization Testing to Confirm the Suitability of Zinc Anodes in Natural Waters Specific to Reclamation 6793 2014 2014
Von Fay, Kurt Evaluating Methods to Seal Leaking Contraction Joints in Dams 3191 2014 2014
Von Fay, Kurt Repair Material Compatibility Requirements for Long Term Concrete Repairs 385 2014 2014
Wang, Jun Basin-scale real-time flow and salt load visualization for TMDL compliance 3942 2014 2014
Weems, James Improving Productivity and Product Development Using Building Information Modeling 1683 2014 2014
White, Janet Verification that Type V Cement is required for CLSM with high sulfate native soils 2840 2013 2015
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