- Reclamation
- R&D
- Research Projects
- Application of Flow Deflector Technology
Application of Flow Deflector Technology
Project ID: 3532
Principal Investigator: Leslie Hanna
Research Topic: Repair and Maintenance
Funded Fiscal Years:
Keywords: stilling basin, abrasion, flow deflector, baffle
Research Question
Now that flow deflector technology is a proven solution for preventing abrasion damage in stilling basins, thereby resulting in substantial operation and maintenance (O&M) cost savings; how and where can it be applied?
Flow deflectors for preventing abrasion damage were developed by the Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services group under the Science and Technology (S&T) program (Project #, 81, Flow deflectors for preventing Type II and Type III stilling basin abrasion damage , 2008. Thus far, the first two prototype deflectors (installed at Mason Dam,in SE Oregon and at Choke Canyon dam in Texas), have shown great success in preventing damaging materials from entering the basin. This technology has been available for several years now, yet facilties that can benefit most from this new technology(in the form of O&M costs savings) have not pursued having them installed.
Regional and field offices need the necessary information to provide guidance as to where and how this technology can be beneficial to them and how to go about having it applied at specific sites.
Need and Benefit
In the past, there has been hesitation in using scarce O&M dollars for the installation of flow deflectors because there was no substantial proof of the deflector's effectiveness in keeping rocks and debris from being carried into the basins. Flow deflectors were installed in the Mason Dam stilling basin in 2002 and in the Choke Canyon stilling basin in 2007. In 2010 and 2011 dive inspections were conducted at both basins verifying the effectiveness of the perfomance of the deflectors.
In addition although information was published describing the potential effectiveness and benefit of installing the flow deflectors, information guiding users as to where and how they may be implemented has not been forthcoming.
If we can get out the word out in the form of an O&M publication and attendance at the workshop and conference we will be able to reach the largest number of stakeholders and water managers, so that the overall benefit in the form of O&M cost savings throughout Reclamation may be significant. Without this type of outreach, this technology which cost Reclamation's Science and Technology program several hundred thousand dollars to develop, may go unused.
Contributing Partners
Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.
Research Products
An O&M bulletin and conference papers will be provided as described above.