Kristin Swoboda

Reclamation Office: Pacific Northwest Region, Pacific Northwest Regional Office
Contact Information: (208) 378-5244,

The Raven UAV is hand launched.  When the Raven takes flight the remote operator ensures they have control of the UAV through the use of remote operating controls called a video terminal.<br>[<a href='imagepop.cfm?id=8168|654' target='_blank' style='color:#bbb'>view information</a>] Lester Britton Piloting Raven UAV on Elwha Dam Removal Project<br>[<a href='imagepop.cfm?id=8168|650' target='_blank' style='color:#bbb'>view information</a>] Following operational procedures and checklists in order to safely pilot the UAV, Kristin is performing a check for video status on forward and side cameras.<br>[<a href='imagepop.cfm?id=8168|652' target='_blank' style='color:#bbb'>view information</a>] Kristin piloting the Raven UAV while Lester operated the mission control unit's flight software.<br>[<a href='imagepop.cfm?id=8168|656' target='_blank' style='color:#bbb'>view information</a>] Lester setting up the Ground Control Unit (GCU) and checking for positive charges on Raven batteries.<br>[<a href='imagepop.cfm?id=8168|658' target='_blank' style='color:#bbb'>view information</a>] Lester piloting the Raven UAV with the remote operating controls (video terminal) 'heads up' or eyes on the Raven.<br>[<a href='imagepop.cfm?id=8168|660' target='_blank' style='color:#bbb'>view information</a>] Raven UAV in flight<br>[<a href='imagepop.cfm?id=8168|662' target='_blank' style='color:#bbb'>view information</a>] Lester setting up for pre-flight operations.  This entails following a procedural checklist to ensure safe Raven flight operations and requires communication and procedures followed by both the mission pilot and the mission control operator.<br>[<a href='imagepop.cfm?id=8168|664' target='_blank' style='color:#bbb'>view information</a>]

Research Funded by the Science and Technology Program

Kristin Swoboda began doing research for the Science and Technology Program in the 2013 fiscal year, with funding provided by the program as recently as the 2014 fiscal year. Projects were funded under the Science and Technology Program research topic Water Resource Data Analysis.

The following research projects were funded in whole or in part by the Science and Technology Program. Kristin Swoboda is listed as the principal investigator, or primary researcher. Click the project's title to view more information.

UAS Research for Optimal Lightweight Camera/Sensor Options for Low Cost Sensed Data and Imagery

Project ID: 9179
Fiscal Year of Funding: 2014
Research Results: Please contact about research products related to this project.

Inform Reclamation Programs about Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Identity Opportunities for Future Applied Research

Project ID: 8168
Fiscal Year of Funding: 2013
Research Results: Determinining how Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) can help meet Reclamation's Remote Sensing Data Needs (interim, PDF, 1.9MB)

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Last Updated: 11/17/20