Validation and Improvement of SRH-1D for Dam Removal and Sediment Sluicing Projects

Project ID: 5325
Principal Investigator: Sean Kimbrel
Research Topic: Sediment Management and River Restoration
Funded Fiscal Years: 2014
Keywords: sediment, erosion, numerical model, predictions

Research Question

We propose to address the following two research questions:

1) Can we develop a continuous vertical grain sorting model to better simulate and account for bed material mixing processes rather than using the current user-defined bed material mixing algorithm in SRH-1D and HEC-RAS?

2) Along with the research and development of a continuous vertical grain sorting model, can we develop a continuous time-varying flow resistance model based on grain roughness and form roughness for SRH-1D?

Need and Benefit

Numerical sediment transport models have existed for a few decades that can predict the bed-elevation changes of a river channel or reservoir delta. However, accurate processed-based predictions of the vertical change and change in sediment gradation, is limited.

The development of SRH-1D over the past 15+ years has been key in predictions of sediment-related impacts for a multitude of Reclamation involved projects, which includes dam removal assessments for the Klamath River and Matilija Dam Removal studies. Other studies includes Taiwan Dams, the Rio Grande, and San Joaquin River Restoration Project.

There is no current publically available sediment transport model that has the capability of applying a continuous vertical grain sorting model to simulate continual process of erosion and sedimentation that occurs during dam removal and reservoir sediment management processes. HEC-RAS currently does not have the capability (Brunner, 2008), but future collaboration with HEC is possible if there is the desire to add this model to HEC-RAS.

Contributing Partners

Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.

Research Products

Not Reviewed

The following documents were not reviewed. Statements made in these documents are those of the authors. The findings have not been verified.

Continuous Vertical Sorting Model in SRH-1D (interim, PDF, 34KB)
By Dr. Blair Greimann
Publication completed on April 22, 2015

This is the extended abstract presenting the incorporation of the Vertical Sorting Model in SRH-1D. A PowerPoint is developed showing the key concepts of the model, short of the results that warrant further testing against laboratory data.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20