- Reclamation
- R&D
- Research Projects
- Optimization of Turbulence Generation System to Prevent Invasive Mussel Colonization within Pipelines
Optimization of Turbulence Generation System to Prevent Invasive Mussel Colonization within Pipelines
Project ID: 4183
Principal Investigator: Josh Mortensen
Research Topic: Invasive Species
Priority Area Assignments: 2014 (Zebra and Quagga Mussels), 2015 (Zebra and Quagga Mussels), 2016 (Zebra and Quagga Mussels)
Funded Fiscal Years:
2014 and
Keywords: invasive species, mussel control, pipe system, turbulence, quagga mussel
Research Question
Can the current turbulence generation system be optimized to effectively prevent mussel settlement in piping systems?
Recent results from field tests at Davis Dam indicate that the turbulence is having a physical impact to some veligers that pass through the generator. While final settlement results will not be available until September 2013, results indicate that the turbulence concept could be viable if correctly applied.
Need and Benefit
An effective and simple method is needed to prevent mussel colonization in piping systems where reduced capacity and expensive maintenance can result. If effective and feasible, turbulence will be a cost effective method of mussel control in a variety of piping systems. This concept is valuable because it is simple, low maintenance, and chemical free. Once design guidelines have been established it can be applied to variety of piping systems in various types of facilities, or possibly used jointly with other technologies (filtering, UV, etc.) to improve their performance.
Contributing Partners
Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.
Research Products
Progress reports will be submitted quarterly throughout FY14 - FY15.
A final report will be submitted in FY16 that will include guidelines and design criteria for turbulence applications.