- Reclamation
- R&D
- Research Projects
- Piezometer plate testing for ASME PTC design and installation guidelines
Piezometer plate testing for ASME PTC design and installation guidelines
Project ID: 5221
Principal Investigator: Joseph Kubitschek
Research Topic: Improved Power Generation
Priority Area Assignments: 2014 (Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation)
Funded Fiscal Years:
Keywords: hydroturbines, performance testing, pressure measurement, standards
Research Question
What is the effect (if any) of plate-mounted piezometer arrangements on static pressure measurement consistency and accuracy for flowrate determination as applied to hydroturbine performance testing and, if the effect is significant, can such arrangements be modified to develop standardized design and installation guidelines that meet ASME performance test code requirements?
Need and Benefit
The outcomes of this research are expected to provide valuable data to support standardized design and installation of plate-mounted piezometers for improved static pressure and flowrate measurement accuracy during hydroturbine performance testing. Successful completion of this project is also expected to provide a valuable contribution to industry by providing guidance to ensure compliance with ASME Performance Test Codes.
Contributing Partners
Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.
Research Products
Peer-reviewed report of findings and data for development of design and installation guidelines.