- Reclamation
- R&D
- Research Projects
- Denise Hosler
Denise Hosler
This person is no longer with Reclamation.
Contact Information: Bureau of Reclamation Research and Development Office, (303) 445-2125, research@usbr.govResearch Funded by the Science and Technology Program
Denise Hosler began doing research for the Science and Technology Program in the 2005 fiscal year, with funding provided by the program as recently as the 2016 fiscal year. Projects were funded under the Science and Technology Program research topics Desalination and Water Treatment, Invasive Species, Water Quality and Ecosystem Needs.
The following research projects were funded in whole or in part by the Science and Technology Program. Denise Hosler is listed as the principal investigator, or primary researcher. Click the project's title to view more information.
Evaluation of an Innovative Constructed Wetland Designed to Remove Endocrine Disrupting Compounds from Reclaimed Wastewater
Project ID: 8896
Fiscal Years of Funding: 2016 - 2018
Research Results:
Please contact research@usbr.gov
about research products related to this project.
Predicting Mussel Invasions with Predictive Modeling
Project ID: 3410
Fiscal Year of Funding: 2015
Research Results:
Please contact research@usbr.gov
about research products related to this project.
Detecting Environmental Impacts of Invasive Mussel Infestations: Development of an Algae and Zooplankton Database using FlowCamâ„¢ Technology
Project ID: 2387
Fiscal Years of Funding: 2014 - 2015
Research Results:
- Detecting Environmental Impacts of Invasive Mussel Infestations: Development of an Algae and Zooplankton Database using FlowCam Technology (final, PDF, 550KB)
- Detecting Environmental Impacts of Invasive Mussel Infestations (final, PDF, 550KB)
Dressinid Mussel Monitoring and Detection Laboratory
Project ID: 5042
Fiscal Years of Funding: 2013 - 2015
Research Results:
Mussel Database Development and Management (final, PDF, 810KB)
Impacts of Reused/Reclamed Water: Risks and Benefits
Project ID: 9782
Fiscal Year of Funding: 2015
Research Results:
Impacts of Reused/Reclaimed Water: Risks and Benefits (final, PDF, 800KB)
Detection of Invasive Mussel Environmental DNA (eDNA) by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Project ID: 8912
Fiscal Year of Funding: 2014
Research Results:
- PCR Detection of Quagga Mussel Intracellular (final, PDF, 917KB)
- Detecting Free-Floating Quagga Mussel DNA (final, PDF, 917KB)
Zebra and Quagga Mussels: Viability of _Dreissenid_ Veligers through our Conveyance Systems and Downstream Rivers
Project ID: 4454
Fiscal Year of Funding: 2010
Research Results:
Please contact research@usbr.gov
about research products related to this project.
Bacteria, Geochemistry, and Hydrology: an Investigation of the Mechanisms of Clogging to Determine How Best to Address Them in Wells and Drains for Improved Operation and Maintenance
Project ID: 9999
Fiscal Years of Funding: 2005 - 2008
Research Results:
Please contact research@usbr.gov
about research products related to this project.
Determining the Rate of Mortality for Salt Cedar by Size and Age Class Resulting from Repeated Defoliation by the Biocontrol Agent _Diorhabda elongata deserticola_ to Increase Water Salvage along Rivers in the Western United States
Project ID: 9561
Fiscal Years of Funding: 2005 - 2008
Research Results:
Saltcedar Biocontrol at Pueblo, Colorado: Vegetation Monitoring Final Report (interim, PDF, 9.7MB)
Quantitatively Monitoring the Effects of the Biocontrol Agent _Diorhabda elongata deserticola_ on Salt Cedar Resprouts to Determine the Efficacy of Long-term Biocontrol at Various Reclamation Release Sites in the Western United States
Project ID: 6397
Fiscal Years of Funding: 2006 - 2008
Research Results:
Effects of the Biological Control Agent Diorhabda elongata deserticola on Resprouted Saltcedar (interim, PDF, 3.7MB)
Survey of Possibilities for the Reduction of Operation and Management Costs for _Salvinia molesta_ and Other Invasive Aquatic Weed Species by Identification of Productive and Potentially Profitable Use of Biomass Utilizing Zero Emission Research and Initi
Project ID: 4658
Fiscal Years of Funding: 2005 - 2006
Research Results:
Please contact research@usbr.gov
about research products related to this project.