Boulder Canyon Operations Office

Lower Colorado River Water Delivery Contracts

Lower Colorado River Water Entitlements Listing

A Colorado River water entitlement is a right to divert and consumptively use Colorado River water (within the state apportionments).  Colorado River water entitlements are obtained in three ways:  entering into water contracts with the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the Boulder Canyon Project Act of 1928, Section 5, decreed by the United States Supreme Court in Arizona v. California, 547 U.S. 150 (2006), and reservations of Colorado River water for Federal purposes by the Secretary of the Interior (Secretarial Reservations). Water users in Nevada, California, and Arizona have entitlements to use Colorado River water.  Click the links below to access a listing of Colorado River water entitlements and the entitlement holders.

First Priority
Second Priority
Third Priority
Fourth Priority
Fifth and Sixth Priorities




For more information on water delivery contracts and entitlements, contact Lesli Kirsch-Burke at:


Return to Water Delivery Contracts main page.









Last Updated: 3/7/24