Phoenix Area Office - Reports, Studies, Environmental Impact Statements and Assessments
ARCHIVED Environmental Impact Assessments (NEPA) / and other Reports or Studies
CURRENT Environmental Impact Assessments (NEPA) and Other Reports or Studies
Q317 Interconnection for the Painted Desert Power Project
Scoping Notice (Comment period closes January 18, 2025)
Q280 Fria Grid Battery Energy Storage System Interconnection Project
Eagle Creek Safe Harbor Agreement and Fish Barrier Project
Scoping Notice (Comment period closed on September 27, 2024)
Notice of Availability for the Draft EA (Comment period closes on February 2, 2025)
CO Bar Solar Interconnection Project
Scoping Notice (Comment period closed on April 8, 2023)
Notice of Availability for the Draft EA (Comment period closed September 7, 2023)
Notice of Availability for Final EA and FONSI
Gila River Indian Community Reclaimed Water Pipeline Project
Scoping Notice (Comment period closes on April 28, 2023)
Notice of Availability for the Final EA
Q255 Interconnection and Gen-Tie Project
Scoping Notice (comment period closed March 26, 2022)
Notice of Availability for Draft EA
Draft EA (comment period closed September 9, 2022)
Notice of Availability for Final EA
Finding of No Significant Impact (signed October 4, 2022)
Partial assignment, transfer, and wheeling of GSC Farm, LLC’s Colorado River water entitlement to Queen Creek
Scoping Notice (comment period closed September 24, 2021)
Notice of Availability for Draft EA
Draft EA (comment period closed April 15, 2022)
Notice of Availability for Final EA
White Mountain Apache Tribe Rural Water System
WMAT EIS Project Schedule (Updated August 2022)
Notice of Intent in the Federal Register (Comment period closes May 19, 2021)
WMAT Rural Water System Project Website
Notice of Availability for the Draft EIS (Comment period closes September 12, 2022)
Babbitt Ranch Energy Center Interconnection Project
Scoping Notice (comment period closed July 7, 2022)
Notice of Availability for the Draft EA
Draft EA (Comment period closes October 3, 2022)
Notice of Availability for the Final EA
Arizona Peaking Capacity Energy Storage Project
Expansion of the CAP Trail in Pinal County
Notice of Availability for Draft EA
Draft EA (Comment period closed October 23, 2021)
Disclaiming interest in 26 groundwater pumping plants in Roosevelt Irrigation District and approval of a supplement agreement for the continued operation of existing groundwater wells in the Salt River Reservoir District.
Scoping Letter(Comment period closed May 6, 2020)
Notice of Availability for Draft EA
Draft EA (Comment period closed July 4, 2020)
CAP water exchange agreement between the Gila River Indian Community and the Roosevelt Water Conservation District.
New Mexico Unit of the Central Arizona Project
The Bureau of Reclamation has issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the New Mexico Unit of the Central Arizona Project.
Notice of Intent in the Federal Register (Comment period closed July 20, 2018)
Notice of Availability for Draft EIS
Draft EIS Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (Comment period closes June 8, 2020)
Non-Indian Agricultural Priority CAP Water Reallocation Recommendation
Scoping Letter (Comment period closed December 18, 2015)
Notice of Availability for Draft Environmental Assessment
Draft Environmental Assessment (Comment period closed July 22, 2016)
Notice of Availability for Reclamation's FEA and FONSI
Final Environmental Assessment (November 2019)
Reclamation's FONSI (November 8, 2019)
Arizona Solar 1 Interconnection Project
Rehabilitation of Casa Blanca-III Lateral and Sub-Laterals
Scoping Letter (Comment period closed April 18, 2018) (Comment period closed April 18, 2018)
Notice of Availability - Issuance Memo for DEA
DEA (Comment period closes March 16, 2019)
San Xavier Cooperative Farm Extension
Scoping (Comment period closed on September 29, 2016)
Notice of Availability for DEA
Draft EA (Comment period closed November 30, 2018)
Notice of Availability for FEA
FEA (January 2019)
FONSI (signed January 30, 2019)
Recreation trail along the Central Arizona Project Canal from the Pima-Pinal County Line to Park Link Drive
Scoping (Comment period closed on August 31, 2017)
Notice of Availability - Issuance Memo for DEA
Draft EA (Comment period closed on May 25, 2018)
Notice of Availability - Issuance Memo for Final EA
Final EA (October 2018)
FONSI (Signed October 4, 2018)
Gila River Indian Community Central Arizona Project Water Delivery to the Farmer's Investment Company Groundwater Savings Facility for Freeport-McMoRan - Sierrita Inc.
Scoping Letter (Comment period closed on July 22, 2018)
Notice of Availability - Issuance Memo for DEA
DEA (Comment period closed on October 27, 2018)
Notice of Availability - Issuance Memo for FEA
FEA (December 2018)
FONSI (Signed December 21, 2018)
Exchange Agreement of Central Arizona Project Water from the Gila River Indian Community to the Maricopa-Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District, Hohokam Irrigation and Drainage District, Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District, Roosevelt Irrigation and Drainage District and the Salt River Valley Water User’s Association for up to 25,000 Acre-Feet Annually
Scoping Letter (Comment period closed on July 4, 2018)
Notice of Availability - Issuance Memo for Draft EA
Draft EA (Comment period closes May 4, 2019)
Bubbling Ponds Fish Hatchery Pipe Renovation
Notice of Availability for Draft EA
Draft EA (Comment period closed on July 29, 2018)
Notice of Availability for Final EA
Final EA (September 2018)
FONSI (Signed October 2, 2018)
Recreation trail along the Central Arizona Project Canal from Tangerine Road to the Pinal County Line
Notice of Availability for Draft EA
Draft EA (Comment period closed on June 14, 2017)
Notice of Availability for Final EA
Final EA (May 2018)
FONSI (signed June 15, 2018)