Project Details
Title: Categorical Exclusion Checklists for SCCAO in 2013
Summary: Attached are completed Categorical Exclusion Checklists (CECs) for 2013 for our South Central California Area Office. A CEC excludes certain categories of Federal actions from further NEPA documentation because these categories of actions have been determined in a public process to have no significant affect on the environment nor do they involve unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
01/01/20132013 SCCAO CE Checklists
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
2013 Drainging and Instepction of Pacheco and Santa Clara Tunnels .pdf 970 B
2013 Operation and Maintenance Activities within Delta Meadows near the Delta Cross Channel .pdf 671 B
Additional San Luis Drainage Feature Reevaluation Data Gathering Within Westlands Center .pdf 1,066 B
Adobe Ranch Temporary Additional Point of Delivery and Temporary ROW Access at milepost 17.28 on Madera Canal .pdf 421 B
Adobe Ranch Temporary Additional Point of Delivery on Madera Canal .pdf 250 B
Authorization for Installation of Temporary Aboveground Pipeline near Milepost 72.89R of the San Louis Canal .pdf 688 B
Co-Location of National Weather Radio on Bear Mountain Radio Tower .pdf 1,018 B
Contra Costa Canal Repair at Milepost 23.03 .pdf 3,491 B
Contra Costa W. D.Pumping Plant No. 1 Forebay Aquatic Vegetation Removal .pdf 720 B
Delta-Mendota Canal Pipe at Milepost 98.60R .pdf 1,205 B
Donald Griffith Easement at Tracy Pumping Plant .pdf 1,740 B
EZ Angus Encroachment .pdf 775 B
Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program for California Tiger Salamander Surveys .pdf 318 B
Friant Erosion Repair .pdf 444 B
Galindo Creek Bridge Repair .pdf 2,053 B
Kern-Tulare Water District Land Exclusion Detachment Z .pdf 550 B
Lake Woollomes Boating Amendment .pdf 1,039 B
Lateral 7.3 Replacement .pdf 820 B
License Renewal, Fox Farms at Friant-Kern Canal .pdf 1,312 B
License to Del Puerto Water District for New Discharge Point on the Delta-Mendota Canal .pdf 1,317 B
Mercy Springs Water District - Pipeline Structure .pdf 2,817 B
Millerton Lake State Recreation Area Earth Day Improvements .pdf 2,051 B
Newman Wasteway Utility Relocation .pdf 694 B
Orange Cove I.D. CVP Service Area Exclusion and Inclusion .pdf 2,000 B
PG&E Under-build and Power Pole Replacement in Firebaugh .pdf 310 B
PGE Service Wire Over MID Lateral .pdf 262 B
Rock Slough Fish Screen Assistance Agreement .pdf 482 B
Rocky Hill Agricultural License Renewal .pdf 760 B
San Luis Drain Autosampler Shelter .pdf 270 B
Santa Clara Conduit Calaveras Fault Crossing Levee/Road Culvert Repair .pdf 2,312 B
South California Edison Removal of Idle Facilities, amended CEC, March 12 2013 .pdf 1,240 B
Southern San Joaquin MUD Reorganization #1 .pdf 1,290 B
Tracy Fish Facility Water Hyacinth Athorization .pdf 397 B
Westlands Water District Modification at Coalinga Canal 7.04L .pdf 340 B
Widening OHara Avenue in Oakley .pdf 1,291 B