Lower Colorado Region
Training and Conference Center (LCTC)


The Lower Colorado (LC) Region has taken a proactive approach to training -- better known as employee development.  The LC Region takes a great amount of pride developing employees at all levels of the organization -- Interns, employees, supervisors, and Senior Leaders.  The LC Region has invested in a team of Education and Training professionals to not only provide a first class facility for training events, but yet the expertise to develop a comprehensive training program.  LC Region training program consists of employee competency development, leadership development for aspiring leaders, supervisory development, and Senior Leader development.

Employees have the opportunity take advantage of the many career development programs offered by our Regional Trainer that offers programs such as:  emotional intelligence; conflict management; team building; and many others.  The LC Region gas developed a comprehensive leadership development program for current and aspiring leaders to participate.  Supervisory development is too a key component of a forward moving organization.  The LC Region has partnered with DOI University to provide supervisory development programs to give supervisors the fundamentals of being a supervisor.  The Region also supplements with a program offering of bringing supervisors together to learn more about supervisory responsibilities, along with the relationship building that is fostered in such programs.

The LC Region does a tremendous amount of technical training as well.  For example, Project Management training is offered routinely, along with other technical programs.  The LC Region has a significant amount of technical training taking place at Hoover Dam, Yuma Area Office, and the Phoenix Area -- better known as "Block Training"  Every summer these offices spend one to two weeks focusing on occupational training requirements, to include much hands-on training that involves complex equipment and expertise.

The LC Region continues continues to be at the forefront of providing quality training programs.  Together with a first class facility, Regional, Reclamation, and any federal employees can take advantage of some of the programs offered, and more importantly, please consider utilizing the Lower Colorado Training and Conferencing Center. 

If you are interested in attending or holding a training at the LCTC, please don't hesitate to contact us.

The photos below demonstrate a few examples of some of the courses that take place at the LCTC.

DOI Supervisory Course

Lower Colorado Region Training and Conference Center DOI Supervisory Course   Lower Colorado Region Training and Conference Center DOI Supervisory Course
Lower Colorado Region Training and Conference Center DOI Supervisory Course   Lower Colorado Region Training and Conference Center DOI Supervisory Course

Leadership Development Program (LDP)

Lower Colorado Region Training and Conference Center Leadership Development Program (LDP)   Lower Colorado Region Training and Conference Center Leadership Development Program (LDP)
Last Updated: 7/15/24