Large-Scale Water Recycling Program

Section 40905 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), P.L. 117-58 provides authority for Reclamation’s Large-Scale Water Recycling Program. The program will provide $450 million over the next five years to projects in Reclamation states that have a total project cost greater than or equal to $500,000,000, at 25% Federal cost share, with no per-project maximum. Large-scale recycled water projects will play an important role in helping communities develop local, drought-resistant sources of water supply by turning currently unusable water sources into a new source of water supply that is less vulnerable to drought and climate impacts.

Large-Scale Water Recycling Feasibility Study Review Findings Report

The Bureau of Reclamation has transmitted the Large-Scale Water Recycling Feasibility Study Review Findings Report to Congress.

Projects will become eligible to compete for funding under the Large-Scale Water Recycling Program once Reclamation has reviewed a feasibility study submitted by the non-Federal project sponsor and has informed Congress that the project meets Reclamation’s requirements. Temporary guidelines for the preparation of feasibility studies are established by WTR TRMR-128, Large-Scale Water Recycling Program Feasibility Study Review Process

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    None at this time

Current Status

The following notice of funding opportunities are currently paused and are under review until further notice.

FY23/24/25 Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects funding opportunity

Feasibility Study

View the Feasibility Guidance


Have a question regarding the funding opportunity or project eligibility questions? Request a meeting through our bookings site.

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Last Updated: 1/31/25