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Project Design Grants
New for 2023, Project Design Grants offers cost sharing with Reclamation for the site-specific final design of medium and large-scale on-the ground water supply construction (including domestic water supply projects for Tribes, insular areas, and disadvantaged communities), water management construction, and restoration projects. Prior to applying for a Project Design Grant, it is expected that applicants will have already performed some general planning work and preliminary studies that led to the identification of a specific location for project design. Project Design Grants should result in a final design package at approximately 60% design level.
FY24 Planning and Project Design Grants, and FY24 Drought Resiliency Projects Webinar
The Bureau of Reclamation hosted an informational webinar on Thursday, August 24th, to discuss eligible applicants and project types, program requirements, and the evaluation criteria for both the Planning and Project Design Grants funding opportunity and the Drought Resliency Prjects funding opportunity. The new Planning and Project Design Grants funding opportunity includes Water Strategy Grants, Project Design Grants, and Drought Contingency Planning.