
Fontenelle Dam

Current Status

Last Updated: October 02, 2024

As of October 02, 2024, the Fontenelle Reservoir pool elevation is 6492.74 feet, which amounts to 71 percent of live storage capacity. Inflows for the month of September totaled approximately 29,000 acre-feet (af) or 72 percent of average.

Current release rate is set at 825 cfs. Winter base flow release will be set in mid-November after receiving the November forecasts. Winter base flow will be set to a constant release rate from mid-November to approximately mid-March, depending on winter icing conditions. Pending hydrology, winter releases will be approximately 900 cfs.

The October final forecast for unregulated inflows into Fontenelle for the next three months projects below average conditions. October, November, and December Most Probable inflow volumes amount to 32,000 af (71 percent of average), 35,000 af (84 percent of average), and 30,000 af (94 percent of average), respectively.

Please refer to the following link for Green River flow projections, through Green River, WY, provided by the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center: CBRFC Green River, WY Projection.

To view the most current reservoir elevation, content, inflow and release, click on: Fontenelle Reservoir Data.

Working Group Meetings

The next Fontenelle Working Group meeting is pending time and location. Details on the meeting will be provided as we get closer to the meeting date.

Prior Fontenelle Working Group meeting minutes are available online on USBR’s website at the Working Group webpage. The Fontenelle Working Group is an open public forum for information exchange between Reclamation and other parties associated with the operation of Fontenelle Reservoir.


Please contact the Operations Group via e-mail at for additional information.

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Last Updated: 10/2/24