Projects by Category
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Science and Technology Research
The Science and Technology Program has various research categories with multiple research topics assigned to each one. The lead researcher for each project chooses one research topic when submitting the original proposal. Click on a highlighted Researcher link to learn more about that project's Principal Investigator or click on a linked project title to view that project's details.
Environmental Issues in Water Delivery and Management
Improve the reliability of Reclamation water deliveries by producing effective solutions, tools, and practices that Reclamation water managers can use to prevent water conflicts with the environmental demands on water supplies.
Water and Power Infrastructure Reliability
Improve the reliability of Reclamation water storage, water delivery, and hydropower facilities by producing or advancing effective solutions, tools, and practices that Reclamation facility managers can use to cost effectively maintain, modernize, and extend the life of Reclamation's aging infrastructure.R&D needs should be primarily related to Reclamation's operation and maintenance responsibilities. Safety of Dams R&D should be directed to Reclamation's Dam Safety Program.
Water Operations Decision Support
Develop solutions and tools that help Reclamation water managers make effective reservoir and river system operational and planning decisions through better integration, evaluation, understanding, and presentation of critical data and information.
Conserving or Expanding Water Supplies
Enhance water supplies for Reclamation stakeholders with new technologies, solutions, and practices that expand, liberate, or conserve water supplies.