Determining compatibility of Zinc Anodes for Cathodic Protection in Various Waters Specific to Reclamation and US Army Corps of Engineers Facilities: Phase II.

Project ID: 22021
Principal Investigator: Christine Henderson
Research Topic: Improved Power Generation
Funded Fiscal Years: 2022, 2023 and 2024
Keywords: None

Research Question

Q1: Which BOR and USACE facility water chemistries cause passivation of zinc anodes?

As part of the research, the team will collect water samples and test zinc anode potentiostat behavior, analyte concentrations, pH and conductivity. Through collection of water samples and testing of zinc anode passivation behavior using a potentiodynamic technique, each facility that provides water samples can have their water source verified for zinc anode compatibility in current and future CP systems with zinc anodes.

Q2: How can we use the water chemistry testing and data to determine compatibility of zinc anodes at future BOR and USACE sites?

Using the data collected as described in Q1, the passivation behavior vs. water chemistry data trends will be used to create a predictive model of zinc anode activity. The model can then be used to determine where future CP systems can be designed using zinc anodes.

Need and Benefit

This research focuses on a form of corrosion protection (cathodic protection) for hydraulic steel structures under immersion. Knowing locations where zinc anodes are compatible with the water will improve CP design options for existing structures in various water chemistries. The PE coordinator, Erin Foraker, was not available. However, Bobbi Jo Merten, the PE for Water Infrastructure offered feedback for this work on Erin's behalf.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20