Evaluate and model economical, safe and effective methods to mitigate and remove debris from dam intake structures

Project ID: 22017
Principal Investigator: Juan Luna
Research Topic: Condition Assessment
Funded Fiscal Years: 2022, 2023 and 2024
Keywords: None

Research Question

The overall research question is "Which existing, new, and emerging technologies are the most economical, safe, and effective methods to mitigate and remove debris from Reclamation's dam intake structures?

This overall research question can be broken down into the following questions:

1. Which debris mitigation and removal technologies may be adapted for safe use at Reclamation's dam intake structures?

Results from the Technology Search conducted by the Prize Competition Program will show a full range of debris mitigation and removal technologies in all related industries worldwide. The Technology Search, past scoping reports, and associated literature will be assessed by subject matter experts in the CPN Region, UCB Region, MB-ART Region, Dam Safety Office, Technical Service Center, and Bonneville Power Administration to determine five potentially viable and safe technologies to be advanced to the Comprehensive Economic Analysis.

2. Which debris mitigation and removal technologies are economically viable?

A comprehensive Economic Analysis will be conducted to determine lost or gained benefits versus the No Action Alternative (current debris removal procedure) at Black Canyon Diversion Dam. Preliminary-level cost estimates will inform the Economic Analysis.

3. Which debris mitigation and removal technologies are the most effective in a small-scale controlled laboratory setting?

Physical hydraulic modeling in existing model box will be used to assess the effectiveness of up to three economically viable options using generalized geometry and flow rates for Black Canyon Diversion Dam.

Need and Benefit

This research proposal directly addresses FY22 SSIP 3.1.1, by researching and modeling debris removal technologies that may reduce or eliminate, the need for Reclamation personnel to conduct physical debris removal operations at trashracked intake structures on dams throughout Reclamation. This proposal includes an economic assessment of potential debris removal technologies followed by physical hydraulic modeling to assess effectiveness at Reclamation dams.

Contributing Partners

Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.

Research Products

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Last Updated: 6/22/20