Improved Adhesion of Polyurethane Coatings with Phosphating

Project ID: 22014
Principal Investigator: Stephanie Prochaska
Research Topic: Improved Power Generation
Funded Fiscal Years: 2022, 2023 and 2024
Keywords: None

Research Question

RQ1: To what degree does phosphating improve the adhesion strength of polyurethane coatings to steel?
-To answer RQ1, the adhesion strength of polyurethane coatings will be tested with and without the application of phosphating treatments to evaluate how well phosphating treatments improve adhesion. The previous scoping study has already shown that adhesion can be improved up to 30 percent. The proposed work will scale up that study to produce statistically significant results.

RQ2: Does phosphating influence other coating properties such as corrosion resistance and undercutting, impact resistance, and other properties that are of interest to Reclamation?
-Typically, Reclamation coatings specialists evaluate coating systems through evaluating their corrosion resistance, undercutting, impact resistance, etc. There is the potential that the application of a phosphating treatment to the surface of the steel could impact some of these properties. It is important to know how these properties are affected to ensure there is no big negative impact before phosphating treatments can be considered for use on Reclamation structures.

RQ3: How well do laboratory results correlate with real life hydraulic conditions?
-Hydraulic testing will be performed in the lab setting to evaluate the mechanisms and conditions that cause polyurethane coatings to delaminate from steel. In addition, historical data from Reclamation facilities that have experienced polyurethane failures will be analyzed to determine if the coatings failed under similar conditions as observed in the laboratory. Knowing how accurate the laboratory testing is compared to actual field failures could allow for more accurate estimations of field performance.

Need and Benefit

This work could improve the adhesion properties of polyurethane coatings, which, aside from their poor adhesion, could be an excellent tool for efficiently protecting and repairing steel pipelines. The ability to utilize polyurethane would result in longer service lives, shorter outage periods, and easier maintenance of pipeline coatings—ultimately providing a time and cost savings to the government. This proposal was reviewed by Bobbi Jo Merten to ensure its applicability to this research need.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20