Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study

Final Study Reports

Technical Report F - Development of Options and Strategies

In November 2011, the Colorado River Basin Water Supply & Demand Study began its fourth and final phase: Development of Opportunities to Balance Supply and Demand. From November 2011 through February 2012 public input was sought for ideas on a broad range of potential options to help resolve projected water supply and demand imbalances in the Basin. During this period, 160 ideas were submitted, representing a broad range of possibilities.

Information on the preliminary assessment of potential future water supply and demand imbalances, and the approach for organizing and evaluating options was published in Phase 4: Development and Evaluation of Opportunities for Balancing Water Supply and Demand - Request for Ideas.

Technical Report F - Development of Options and Strategies describes the submitted options, the process for characterization of these options, the results of characterization, and the development of exploratory portfolios from the characterization results to address future supply and demand imbalances.


File Size

Technical Report F - Development of Options and Strategies

1.5 MB

Appendix F1 - Options and Strategies Sub-Team Members

151 KB

Appendix F2 - Options Submitted to the Study

686 KB

Appendix F3 - Options Characterization Criteria and Rating Descriptions
Attachment C - Digital Tableau Table (Note: Tableau Reader required)

373 KB
396 KB

Appendix F4 - Option Characterization - Importation

273 KB

Appendix F5 - Option Characterization - Desalination

255 KB

Appendix F6 - Option Characterization - Reuse

465 KB

Appendix F7 - Option Characterization - Local Supply

513 KB

Appendix F8 - Option Characterization - Watershed Management

320 KB

Appendix F9 - Option Characterization - Municipal & Industrial Water Conservation

941 KB

Appendix F10 - Option Characterization - Agricultural Water Conservation

195 KB

Appendix F11 - Option Characterization - Energy Sector Water Use Efficiency

432 KB

Appendix F12 - Option Characterization - System Operations

637 KB

Appendix F13 - Option Characterization - Options Submitted by the Ten Tribes Partnership and the InterTribal Council of Arizona

201 KB

Additional information on the Colorado River Basin Study can be requested from: 
phone: 702-293-8500
fax: 702-293-8042
TTY/TDD Relay: Dial 711

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Last Updated: 12/11/18