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- Conservation and Efficiency Program
Lower Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program
- Purpose
- Follow-up to May 24, 2023 Letter
- News Release: October 12, 2022
- Letter to Interested Parties: May 24, 2023
- Letter to Interested Parties: March 23, 2023
- Letter to Interested Parties: October 12, 2022
- Report to Congress, August 2021 – Pilot Projects
- Phase 1 System Conservation Agreements as of September 2024
- Phase 2 System Conservation Agreements as of September 2024
- Contact Us
The Lower Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program (LC Conservation Program) is a part of the commitment made by the Department of the Interior (Department) on August 16, 2022, to address the drought crisis with prompt and responsive actions and investments to ensure the entire Colorado River Basin can function and support all who rely on it. Reclamation is using the best available science and actively collaborating with water users across the Colorado River Basin to determine best ways to meet the increased conservation need. The historic funding committed by the Biden-Harris Administration in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act provide resources for water management and conservation efforts in the Colorado River Basin and other basins experiencing comparable levels of long-term drought. The Department will continue to deploy these resources in the lower Colorado River Basin with this LC Conservation Program.
The LC Conservation Program is intended to provide new opportunities for system conservation in the lower Colorado River Basin that also lead to additional conservation and bridge the immediate need while moving toward improved system efficiency and more durable long-term solutions for the System. The Bureau of Reclamation is requesting proposals describing lower Colorado River Basin water conservation projects that can be implemented resulting in reductions in consumptive use of Colorado River water having a recent history of use. Lower Colorado River water delivery contract or entitlement holders and Central Arizona Project water delivery contract or entitlement holders are eligible to apply. The conserved Colorado River System water will not accrue to the benefit or use of any individual Colorado River water user.
Components and Status of the LC Conservation Program
The LC Conservation Program has three components:
- 1.a.) Proposals for system conservation resulting in additional volumes of water remaining in Lake Mead at a set price of:
(Proposal acceptance closed November 21, 2022) - One-year agreement: $330 per acre-foot
- Two-year agreement: $365 per acre-foot
- Three-year agreement: $400 per acre-foot
- 1.b.) Proposals describing lower Colorado River Basin water conservation plans that can be implemented resulting in reductions in consumptive use of lower Colorado River water having a recent history of use.
(Proposal acceptance closed November 21, 2022) - 2) Proposals for long-term system efficiency improvements that will result in multi-year system conservation.
(Proposal acceptance closed August 18, 2023).
Related Links
Reclamation is extending the deadline to submit project proposals under phase two of its Lower Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program
The Bureau of Reclamation is extending the deadline to submit project proposals under phase two of its Lower Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program (LC Conservation Program). Colorado River Basin water entitlement holders and their partners, including Lower Colorado River Basin States, Tribes, Water Users, and Non-Governmental Organizations have until August 18, 2023, to submit proposals.
Reclamation requests proposals for next phase of Lower Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program
The Bureau of Reclamation announced the next phase of its Lower Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program (LC Conservation Program), via a letter to Colorado River Basin water entitlement holders and their partners, including Lower Colorado River Basin States, Tribes, Water Users, and Non-Governmental Organizations. The letter announces funding opportunities for long-term durable system efficiency improvements that result in quantifiable, verifiable water savings in Lake Mead that is based on a recent history of use. Reclamation will accept proposals from water entitlement holders and their partners through July 19, 2023.
Reclamation requests input for next phase of Lower Colorado Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program
On March 23, the Bureau of Reclamation sent a letter requesting input from Colorado River stakeholders to inform development of the next phase of the Lower Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program. The Program is intended to provide alternative paths to system efficiency, leading to additional conservation and longer-term durable solutions for the Colorado River System. Reclamation is working to release the solicitation for proposed Program projects in spring 2023. Input can be sent via email to LCBEfficiency@usbr.gov and will be accepted through April 6, 2023.
Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Steps for Drought Mitigation Funding from Inflation Reduction
On October 12, 2022, the Department announced new drought mitigation funding opportunities to improve and protect the long-term sustainability of the Colorado River System. The new LC Conservation Program, managed through Reclamation, will be funded through the Inflation Reduction Act, to improve water efficiency, and prevent the Colorado River System’s reservoirs from falling to critically low elevations that would threaten water deliveries and power production.
Funding Opportunity for Voluntary Participation in the Lower Colorado Conservation and Efficiency Program
By letter dated October 12, 2022, Reclamation announced the funding opportunity for voluntary participation in the new LC Conservation Program. Included in this letter is Enclosure 1, which describes the LC Conservation Program’s proposal requirements.
Report to Congress, August 2021 – Pilot Projects to Increase Colorado River System Water in Lake Powell and Lake Mead
In August of 2021, Reclamation submitted a report to congress that evaluated the effectiveness of the Pilot System Conservation Program (Pilot Program) projects and recommended to Congress whether the activities undertaken by the Pilot Program should be continued. The effectiveness of the Pilot Program was based on the following criteria: volumes of water conserved, pilot project cost, average cost per acre-foot, impact to Colorado River System storage, administrative and technical challenges, and water user/public perception and receptiveness to participate in the Pilot Program. The Pilot Program successfully demonstrated that voluntary, compensated water conservation projects can conserve water for Colorado River System storage to help mitigate the impacts of drought.
To access additional information on the Pilot Program, visit the Lower Colorado Region’s Programs and Activities webpage.
The Bureau of Reclamation hosted webinars on June 27 and June 30, 2023, presenting information about Phase 2 of its Lower Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program. The webinars offered Colorado River Basin water entitlement holders and their partners, including Lower Colorado River Basin States, Tribes, Water Users, and Non-Governmental Organizations, the opportunity to ask questions about submitting proposals for long-term durable system efficiency improvements that result in quantifiable, verifiable water savings in Lake Mead that is based on a recent history of use. The recorded webinars and program presentation are available for viewing.
- Phase 2 Webinar, June 27, 2023:
Download Presentation Slides (PPT 11.5 MB)
- Phase 2 Webinar, June 30, 2023:
Download Presentation Slides (PPT 11.5 MB)
Contact Us
For additional questions or information about the LC Conservation Program please contact:
Genevieve Johnson
Manager, Project and Program Office
Email: LCBEfficiency@usbr.gov