Project Details
Title: Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project EIS/EIR
Tracking Number:
Summary: The purpose of this project is to restore approximately 48 miles of habitat in Battle Creek and its tributaries to facilitate the safe passage for, and the growth and recovery of, naturally-produced anadromous fish populations, including three federally-listed runs: the Central Valley spring-run chinook salmon, the Central Valley steelhead trout, and the Sacramento River winter-run chinook salmon. Alternatives consist of various combinations of dam decommissioning and removals, fish screen/fish ladder improvements and increased in-stream flows.
Mary Marshall (916) 978-5248 (916) 978 - 5345
01/21/2009Notice of intent published 1/12/00. Scoping meeting held 1/31/00. Draft EIS/EIR released on 7/18/03. Public hearing on 8/27/03. Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR released on March 1, 2005 for a 60-day review. FWS and NOAA-Fisheries Biological Opinions received June 2005. Final EIS/EIR released July 29, 2005. Record of Decision signed January 20, 2009. PROBLEMS VIEWING OR DOWNLOADING FILES? PLEASE CONTACT LYNNETTE WIRTH AT (916)978-5102 or
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 1, Chapters 1-3, Battle Creek .pdf 5,332 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 1, Chapter 4, Battle Creek .pdf 3,634 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 1, Chapters 5-9/index, Battle Creek .pdf 3,976 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendices A-E, Battle Creek .pdf 2,952 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendices G-K, Battle Creek .pdf 3,623 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendices N-Q, Battle Creek .pdf 2,614 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendices R-U, Battle Creek .pdf 1,713 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendix F, Figures F1-F6, Battle Creek .pdf 5,743 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendix F, Figures F7-F12, Battle Creek .pdf 3,968 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendix L, Figures L1-L6, Battle Creek .pdf 5,862 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendix L, Figures L7-L12, Battle Creek .pdf 4,095 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendix M, Figures M1-M6, Battle Creek .pdf 5,795 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Appendix M, Figures M7-M12, Battle Creek .pdf 3,909 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 2, Attachments 1-2, Battle Creek .pdf 5,848 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 3, Response to Comments, Chapters 1-6, Battle Creek .pdf 3,782 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 3, Responses to Comments, Chapter 7, Letters 1-13, Battle Creek .pdf 4,360 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 3, Responses to Comments, Chapter 7, Letters 14-18, Battle Creek .pdf 4,336 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 3, Responses to Comments, Chapter 7, Letters 19-21, Battle Creek .pdf 4,438 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 3, Responses to Comments, Chapter 7, Letters 22-25, Battle Creek .pdf 4,495 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 3, Responses to Comments, Chapters 10-11/Attachments A-D, Battle Creek .pdf 2,778 B
Final EIS/EIR, Vol 3, Responses to Comments, Chapters 8-9, Battle Creek .pdf 4,474 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Foreword .pdf 68 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Cover and Table of Contents .pdf 187 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Executive Summary .pdf 633 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Chapter 1 - Introduction, Organization, and Process .pdf 9 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Chapter 2 - Purpose and Need, Project Description, and Project Background .pdf 9 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Chapter 3 - Project Alternatives .pdf 602 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Chapter 4 - Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences .pdf 399 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Chapter 5 - Consultation and Coordination .pdf 8 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Chapter 6 - Related Projects .pdf 8 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Chapter 7 - Summary .pdf 233 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Chapter 8 - List of Contributors .pdf 16 B
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project - Draft Supplemental EIS/Revised EIR - Chapter 9 - References .pdf 30 B
Appendix F - Proposed Contruction Areas at Restoration Project Sites .pdf 1,924 B
Appendix K - Water Temperature and Aquatic Habitat in Battle Creek .pdf 2,327 B
Appendix L - Biological Resources Documented at Battle Creek Project Sites .pdf 2,127 B
Appendix M - Waters of the United States Documented at Battle Creek Project Sites .pdf 1,984 B
Appendix O - Special-Status Species Accounts .pdf 32 B
Draft EIS/EIR Table of Contents .pdf 118 B
Draft EIS/EIR Executive Summary .pdf 408 B
Draft EIS/EIR Chapters 1-3 .pdf 1,299 B
Draft EIS/EIR Chapter 4 .pdf 3,187 B
Draft EIS/EIR Figures for Section 4.2 .pdf 5,924 B
Draft EIS/EIR Chapters 5 - 9 .pdf 1,164 B
Draft EIS/EIR Appendices A-D .pdf 3,760 B
Draft EIS/EIR Appendices E-Q .pdf 4,722 B