Lower Colorado Region
Federal Historic Preservation Laws

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American Antiquities Act

Historic Sites Act

National Historic Preservation Act

Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act

Archaeological Resources Protection Act

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

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American Antiquities Act of 1906 (as amended)

This act authorizes the President to declare federal lands as national monuments for the purpose of protecting sites and preserving American antiquities. (Click here for a description of the act's features.)

Historic Sites Act of 1935 (as amended)

This act provides for the preservation of historic American sites, buildings, objects, and antiquities of national significance and for other purposes. (Click here for a description of the act's features.)

National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended)

This is the principal cultural resources act that established a program for the preservation of historic properties throughout the nation, and for other purposes. (Click here for a description of the act's features.)

The historic preservation review process mandated by Section 106 is outlined in regulations issued by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, (36 CFR Part 800 "Protection of Historic Properties").

The following were updated in 2000:

Executive Order 13007 regarding Indian Sacred Sites

National Register of Historic Places Bulletin 38 - Guidelines for evaluating & documenting Traditional Cultural Properties

Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (as amended)

As amended, an Act to provide for the preservation of historical and archaeological data (including relics and specimens) which might otherwise be lost as the result of the construction of a dam. (Click here for a description of the act's features.)

Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (as amended)

This act protects archaeological resources on public and Indian lands, and for other purposes. (Click here for a description of the act's features.)

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990

This act provides for the protection of Native American graves, and for other purposes. (Click here for a description of the act's features.)

For more information about these regulations, contact archaeologists Justin DeMaio at jdemaio@usbr.gov 702-293-8143, or James Munkres at jmunkres@usbr.gov 702-293-8143

Last Updated: 12/21/22