The American West faces serious water challenges. Wide-spread drought, increased populations, aging infrastructure, and environmental requirements all strain existing water and hydropower resources. Adequate and safe water supplies are fundamental to the health, economy, and security of the country. Through WaterSMART, Reclamation will continue to work cooperatively with states, tribes, and local entities as they plan for and implement actions to increase water supply through investments to modernize existing infrastructure and avoid potential water conflicts.

Join the WaterSMART Mailing List

You may complete this form to receive WaterSMART program notification from the Bureau of Reclamation.

WaterSMART Project Selections Overview

Since January 2021, Reclamation has selected 926 projects to be funded with $443 million in WaterSMART funding, in conjunction with $3.89 billion in non-Federal funding, across the western states.



  • FY25 Environmental Water Resources Projects Webinar

    The Bureau of Reclamation will host a webinar on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, from 10-11:00 pm MST (12-1pm EST) to discuss eligible applicants and project types, program requirements, and the evaluation criteria for the WaterSMART Environmental Water Resources Projects funding opportunity. Click here to join the live event or use the same link to watch a recording after the completion of the live event. The Environmental Water Resources Projects funding opportunity is available at grants.gov by searching opportunity number R24AS00299 and applications are due March 11, 2025, at 4pm MDT.

    If you have questions regarding applicant and project eligibility, program requirements, or the evaluation criteria for the Environmental Water Resources Projects, click here and select Inquiry: Environmental Water Resource Projects to schedule a time to talk with the program coordinators.

  • Biden-Harris Administration Announces $41 Million Investment in Water Resources and Ecosystem Health

    The Department of the Interior today announced a more than $41 million investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for 21 projects to bolster water resources, advance ecosystem health, and support resilience in communities facing drought and other climate change impacts. The projects will support instream and riparian restoration, canal lining and piping, fish habitat improvements and fish passage. This follows a $51 million investment for Environmental Water Resource Projects through the same program in 2023. Read More →.

  • Biden-Harris Administration announces $13 million investment in ecosystem projects

    The Bureau of Reclamation today announced a $13 million investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in two projects to improve ecosystems, increase resilience and remove barriers to fish passage in California, building on the goals of the domestic Freshwater Challenge. California Trout Corporation will receive $8 million in funding for the Harvey Diversion Fish Passage Remediation Project and the Yurok Tribe will receive $5 million for the restoration of the Shovel, Jenny, Falls, and Spencer Creeks streams in the Klamath Basin. Read More →.

  • FY25/26 Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Program Funding Opportunity Webinar

    The Bureau of Reclamation will host an informational webinar on Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 1 pm MTN (3pm EST), to discuss eligible applicants and project types, program requirements, and the evaluation criteria for the Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Program funding opportunity. Applications for the first round of funding are due April 15, 2025. Click here join the live event.

  • Applied Science Grants Funding Opportunity Webinar

    The Bureau of Reclamation will host an informational webinar on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 10 am MTN (12pm EST), to discuss eligible applicants and project types, program requirements, and the evaluation criteria for the Applied Science Grants funding opportunity. Click here join the live event.

  • DOI Announces Fifth Installment in Environmental Justice Technical Assistance Webinar Series

    Please note, given the closure of Federal agencies on Thursday, January 9, 2025, DOI has moved this webinar to Wednesday, January 8, 2025, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm ET (12:00 to 1:00 pm PST). Please continue to share the webinar announcement (below) with your staff and networks and let us know if you have any questions.

    Feeling overwhelmed by the Federal grants application process? We’re here to share tips and resources that will help you navigate available funding and access Federal grants to benefit your communities and Tribes. Join the next webinar of the Department of the Interior Environmental Justice Steering Committee’s Environmental Justice Technical Assistance Webinar Series on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, from 3–4 pm ET (12–1 pm PT). This webinar will focus on the post-award management process.

    Click here to register for the live event.

    Accommodations can be requested during the registration process; please share any requests by January 2, 2025, by 4pm ET. This webinar will be recorded and shared with all registrants via email after the webinar. To access recordings of previous Environmental Justice Technical Assistance Webinars, visit the Department’s Environmental Justice website.

  • Biden-Harris Administration announces over $12 million from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda for water sustainability projects

    The Bureau of Reclamation today announced nearly $12.1 million through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to support collaborative planning and design projects to improve water sustainability and efficiency. Reclamation selected a total of 43 projects in 11 states to receive the funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act and annual appropriations through Reclamation’s WaterSMART program. Read More →

  • Biden-Harris Administration Announces $125 Million Investment for Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects

    The Department of the Interior today announced a $125 million investment for five projects in California and Utah that will help create new sources of water and improve drought resiliency. Read More →

  • Reclamation announces $3.3M in WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency grants for 36 projects

    The Bureau of Reclamation has selected 36 projects to receive a total of $3.3 million in federal funding to enhance water efficiency across the Western United States. The funding, provided through the Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects program, will support initiatives such as the installation of flow measurement or automation systems, canal lining to reduce seepage, and other similar projects that aim to improve water management on a smaller scale. Read More →

  • Biden-Harris Administration Announces $125 Million Investment for Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects

    The Department of the Interior today announced a $125 million investment for five projects in California and Utah that will help create new sources of water and improve drought resiliency. Read More →

  • Bureau of Reclamation Invests over $91 Million in the Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems

    The Bureau of Reclamation today announced a $91 million investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for the study, design, and construction of large-scale aquatic ecosystem restoration projects. Funding will support 19 projects across six states that are collaboratively developed, have widespread regional benefits, and result in the improvement of the health of fisheries, wildlife, and aquatic habitat. Read More →

  • BABA Waiver Posted for Public Comment: AMI Water Meters

    The Bureau of Reclamation has developed a proposed Build America Buy America (BABA) non-availability waiver for AMI water meters. The waiver as proposed would provide coverage for purchases of AMI water meters for three years, using a phased approach. The waiver is available for review here.

    This proposed waiver is posted for public comment for 30 days, through September 29, 2024. Comments can be sent to DOI_Grants_BuyAmerica_Waiver@ios.doi.gov. If you anticipate seeking Federal funding for an AMI water meter project, please review the proposed waiver and share with your stakeholder groups for a strong response. All comments are encouraged, however, comments are specifically sought on the following topics:

    • The waiver is formatted in phases, with the first two years waiving BABA requirements for AMI water meters entirely. During the third year of the waiver, the water meter body is no longer covered by the waiver. This is based on market research to date identifying several manufacturers with meter bodies that are domestically manufactured. Is it reasonable to expect that all AMI water meter manufacturers utilize domestically produced water meter bodies within two years?

    • This waiver is proposed to cover purchases for a total of three years, using the phased approach described above. Covering purchases made during the waiver period sets clear expectations for manufacturers to work towards domestic production. Do grant recipients have any concerns with this approach?

    • Please review the section of the waiver titled “Description of Covered Items” to assess our interpretation of the components of the AMI water meter.

    • Feedback is requested on how manufacturers plan to apply the component cost test to their water meters to meet BABA’s 55% domestic content requirement for manufactured products.

    • Comments identifying difficulties affecting the feasibility of domestically sourcing specific water meter components in an adequate supply to meet demand are extremely helpful.

    • Comments are requested on the current and future capacity of manufacturers to domestically assemble AMI water meters. Of special interest is whether manufacturers with assembly capabilities can provide estimates and certainty for the potential quantities and product characteristics (such as communications methods, compatibility, and/or leak detection) sought by USBR and EPA funded projects. If information gathered through public comment indicates a sufficient supply of meters that can meet domestic assembly requirements but not 55% content requirements, final waiver may be modified to require final assembly of meters in the U.S. and waive only the domestic content requirements.

    • To support the waiver’s basic assumptions, comments are also requested on the substitutability and compatibility of meter bodies and different meter systems.

    This proposed waiver was drafted in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and will apply to projects funded by both BOR and EPA. As a reminder, other currently active BABA waivers could provide simultaneous coverage. The WaterSMART waiver continues to provide limited coverage to projects funded under the 15.504, 15.507, and 15.514 assistance listing numbers through February 14, 2025 or February 14, 2026. The Small Grants waiver and the de minimis waiver provide coverage through February 20, 2028.

Open Funding Opportunities

FY24/25 Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects funding opportunity. Applications are due January 14, 2025.

FY25 Applied Science Grants funding opportunity. Applications are due March 11, 2025.

FY24 Environmental Water Resources Projects funding opportunity. Applications are due March 11, 2025.

FY25 Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects funding opportunity. Third round of applications are due April 7, 2025.

FY25/26 Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Program funding opportunity. First round of applications are due April 15, 2025.

FY25 Cooperative Watershed Management Program Phase I funding opportunity. Applications are due May 20, 2025.

Funding Opportunity Calendar

Click here to view a detailed status of all current and upcoming WaterSMART funding opportunities.

BABA Waiver Resources

Background slideshow on the conditional and time-limited WaterSMART Build America, Buy America Waiver.

Interpreting the Waiver
WaterSMART Waiver Implementation

All grant applications are submitted through Grants.gov. For more information on how to submit a grant application, visit Application Resources.

WaterSMART Dashboard

A screenshot of the Tools page from the WaterSMART Dashboard site
WaterSMART Dashboard

WaterSMART Data Visualization

A screenshot of map showing WaterSMART projects in the Western United States
Data Visualization

Weather- and Soil Moisture-Based Landscape Irrigation Scheduling Devices

WaterSMART Progress Report 2010-2016 Cover
Weather- and Soil Moisture-Based Landscape Irrigation Scheduling - Review Report
Weather-Based Devices - Summary
Soil Moisture-Based Devices - Summary

Last Updated: 1/10/25