RRA Fact Sheets

Each of the 17 RRA fact sheets are designed to assist landholders and districts by explaining a key RRA concept.

Fact Sheet 1: RRA Forms

Fact Sheet 2: Acreage Limitation Status

Fact Sheet 3: How to Become Subject to the Discretionary Provisions

Fact Sheet 4: Qualified Recipient Entitlements

Fact Sheet 5: Qualified Recipient RRA Forms

Fact Sheet 6: Limited Recipient Entitlements

Fact Sheet 7: Limited Recipient RRA Forms

Fact Sheet 8: Prior Law Recipient Entitlements

Fact Sheet 9: Prior Law Recipient RRA Forms

Fact Sheet 10: Signature Requirements for RRA Forms

Fact Sheet 11: Landholding Changes

Fact Sheet 12: Trusts and Estates

Fact Sheet 13: Involuntary Acquisitions

Fact Sheet 14: Appeal of Final Determinations

Fact Sheet 15: Leases and Farm Operating Arrangements

Fact Sheet 16: Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities

Fact Sheet 17: Excess Land

INDEX: Includes a list of common topics discussed in each fact sheet


Last Updated: 8/1/22