7th Annual Water Innovations and Networking Workshop
The 7th Annual WIN Workshop will be hosted at the
Sgt. Willie Estrada Memorial Civic Center
800 E 1st Street, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310
The WIN Workshop speakers include BGNDRF clients; representatives from Bureau of Reclamation and other Federal agencies; and state agencies, academia, and other organizations. Attendees may also participate in interactive break sessions. These sessions provide the opportunity to observe current research projects and participate in networking-focused activities. Keep checking in for more information as the agenda is updated.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Kay Bailey Hutchison Water Treatment Plant Tour - Art Ruiz, El Paso Water
10751 Montana Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79935
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Open Workshop: Dr. Malynda Cappelle, Facility Manager, Bureau of Reclamation
Welcome Message: John Irizarry, Deputy Area Manager, Bureau of Reclamation
Discussion Panel: BGNDRF Founders’ Panel
Mike Hightower, New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium
Kevin Price, Middle East Desalinization Research Center
Randy Shaw, Bureau of Reclamation (Retired)
Presentation Session: Summer Intern Projects
Caleb Delacruz, Louisiana State University
Jason Hanania, University of Colorado Boulder
Valerie Wilke, Wayne State University
Introduction to Student Project Posters
Dr. Sarah Cerra, Alamogordo High School
Three-Minute Pitches
Presentation Session: Produced Water Treatment
Update on Produced Water Desalination Testing and Applications
Mike Hightower, New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium
Produced Water Recycling and Reuse
Dr. Zac Hildenbrand, Infinity Water Solutions
Solar Multi-Effect Membrane Distillation (SolarMEMD) System
Dr. Ruikun “Ryan” Xin, SolMem LLC
Reclamation Programs and Funding Opportunities
Andrew Tiffenbach, Bureau of Reclamation
Adjourn Day One: Dr. Malynda Cappelle, Facility Manager, Bureau of Reclamation
Water Treatment Facilities Tour - Scott Powell, Village of Cloudcroft
Meet at Osha Trailhead:
200 Glorietta Avenue, Cloudcroft, New Mexico 88317
Brewing Facilities Tour - Cloudcroft Brewing Company
1301 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, New Mexico 88317
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Open Workshop: Dr. Malynda Cappelle, Facility Manager, Bureau of Reclamation
Keynote Presentation: Paul Choules, Co-Founder and CEO, Water Cycle
Presentation Session: Technology Development
Steps Towards the Commercial Realization of Renewable Electrodialysis
Jon Bessette, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Long-Term Testing of High-Recovery, Point-of-Use (i.e., Home-Scale)
Desalination Systems
Melissa Brei, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Electromagnetic Field for Membrane Scaling Control Using BGNDRF Water
Dr. Xuewei Du, New Mexico State University
From Bench to Pilot: Enhanced Water Recovery at Brackish Groundwater
Desalination and Advanced Water Purification Facilities Using Brackish
Diatoms and Secondary Reverse Osmosis
Dr. Keisuke Ikehata, Texas State University
Salt-Free Electrodialysis Metathesis for Brine Management
Tayia Oddonetto, The University of Texas at El Paso
Three-Minute Pitches
Discussion Panel: One Water
Moderator: Yuliana Porras-Mendoza, GarverUSA
Presentation Session: PFAS Treatment and Mitigation
Overview of Zwitterionic RO Membranes
Mike Schmidt and Elke Peirtsegaele, ZwitterCo
The Beginning of the End; Piloting Electrochemical Oxidation for
PFAS Destruction in New Mexico
Dr. Eva Deemer, Hazen & Sawyer
Optimizing and Testing of Membranes for PFAS Removal and Electrochemical
Oxidation for PFAS Destruction
Buddy Wheeler, Aclarity
BGNDRF Update: Dr. Malynda Cappelle, Facility Manager, Bureau of Reclamation
Adjourn Day Two: Dr. Malynda Cappelle, Facility Manager, Bureau of Reclamation
Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility Tour
500 La Velle Road, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310
Crystal Bing
Program Analyst
Bureau of Reclamation
Brackish Water National Desalination Research Facility
500 La Velle Road
Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310