ESA Activities

Snake River

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was passed by Congress to protect species that are in danger of becoming extinct or are threatened with extinction. Reclamation complies with the ESA in the operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of projects and facilities, and on new construction projects, by completing Biological Assessments for actions that may affect those species. ESA compliance is also fully incorporated into the region's National Environmental Policy Act process.

NOAA Fisheries Service oversees the protection and recovery of certain marine-related endangered or threatened species, including salmon and steelhead. NOAA Fisheries’ judgment of how to protect these species is presented in a Biological Opinion issued to Federal agencies. Reclamation regulates water discharge to comply with NOAA requirements.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issues Biological Opinions for actions affecting non-marine endangered/ threatened species. Reclamation manages land and/or water activities in its jurisdiction to comply with FWS requirements.

Reclamation's implementation activities include long term monitoring and reporting, as well as investigation and implementation of projects aimed at reducing impacts associated with Reclamations facility operations. More about ESA Activities in the Region >>

Environmental Documents

Other ESA Activities

Jim Taylor
Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist
(208) 383-2260

Last Updated: 4/15/19