Project Details
Title: Interim Water Service Contracts for the Central Valley Project - 2006/2007 Renewal Supplemental EA.
Summary: The prosposed action is the execution of up to 18 interim renewal water service contracts for up to a two-year period from March 1, 2006 through February 28, 2008. This is a supplement to the previous EAs on interim renewal contracts.
02/15/2007Draft supplemental EA available January 11, 2006. Comments period ended on February 10, 2006. FONSI signed and Final EA completed on February 28, 2006. FONSI for the 2007 water year interim contacts signed February 14, 2007.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
2007 IRC FONSI .pdf 64 B
Appendix A, Sample Contracts .pdf 735 B
Appendix B, Contract Service Areas .pdf 297 B
Appendix C, Part 1 (The 2004 IRC EA) .pdf 877 B
Appendix C, Part 2 (The 2002 and 2001 IRC EAs) .pdf 310 B
Appendix C, Part 3a (The 2000 IRC EA) .pdf 505 B
Appendix C, Part 3b (The 2001 IRC EA's Appendices B-D) .pdf 1,292 B
Appendix C, Part 4 (includes 2002 IRC EA Appendices C-F) .pdf 1,689 B
Appendix C, Part 5 (The 2004 IRC EA, Appendix E) .pdf 909 B
Appendix C, Part 6 (The 2004 IRC EA, Appendices D, F and G) .pdf 419 B
Appendix C, Part 7 (The 2004 IRC EA, Appendices H and I - FWS & NOAA B.O.'s) .pdf 1,119 B
Appendix D, Final Supplemental EA, 2006 IRC .pdf 1,138 B
Draft FONSI and Supplemental EA, 2006 IRC .pdf 291 B