
The Gila River Basin Native Fishes Conservation Program has funded several videos to promote the value of native fish and to convey to the public the problems that non-native species create for the conservation and recovery of native species and their habitats. These videos include the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s “Our Native Fish Heritage”, “Cienega Fish of the Gila Basin”, and “Gila River Basin Streams and Their Fishes”, as well as the 1-hour PBS documentary “A River Reborn: The Restoration of Fossil Creek” which discusses the initial story of the Fossil Creek Native Fish Restoration Project. For information and how to obtain copies of these videos, please contact the Arizona Game and Fish Department at 602-942-3000.

Stay tuned for future videos about the Gila River Basin Native Fishes Conservation Program and the native fishes it protects in the coming year.


Endangered Spikedace Stocked into Spring Creek (Arizona Game and Fish Department)

Aquatic Research and Conservation Center (Arizona Game and Fish Department)






Last Updated: 12/3/18