Technical Seminars and Workshops
In addition to technical assistance and training, Reclamation offers international technical seminars and workshops. Due to the funding authority for Reclamation's International Affairs Program, these events are open to international participants only. Apologies to our United States colleagues!
Contact us by email at Reclamation International Affairs to request additional information or to express interest in one of the seminars/workshops described below.Upcoming Seminars and Workshops
Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams (SEED) – International Technical Seminar and Study Tour
Seminar dates: June 2 through 11, 2025REGISTRATION OPEN NOW UNTIL APRIL 18, 2025.
International Risk Analysis Workshop
Workshop dates: August 4-8, 2025REGISTRATION OPEN NOW UNTIL JULY 7.
- Factsheet - Risk Analysis Workshop
- Draft - Agenda Risk Analysis Workshop
- Registration Form - Risk Analysis Workshop
This training program, originally developed by and for Reclamation staff, covers many significant aspects of dam safety risk analysis. Topics include potential failure mode trees, reliability analysis, subjective probability and expert elicitation, erosion of rock and soil, reinforced concrete cavitation-induced failure of spillways, seismic risks for embankments, seismic operational failure, construction risks, combining and portraying risks, public risk tolerance and risk guidelines, qualitative and semi-quantitative assessment and facilitating risk analyses.
Coming in 2026 and Beyond: Future Seminars and Workshops (Tentative)
2026 Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams (SEED) International Seminar and Study Tour - The SEED Seminar provides professional personnel with a comprehensive guide to establishing or enhancing a visual inspection/evaluation program and increasing the technical capabilities of those responsible for safety evaluations. Lectures, case histories, and discussions covering all aspects of a dam safety examination program are led by Reclamation engineers or geologists with extensive experience and knowledge in the areas of design, construction, operation, maintenance, and dam safety.
Emergency Management International Virtual Workshop - Tentative for Fall 2025 - This training will leverage the experience and expertise of Reclamation's Emergency Management and Readiness Office (EMRO), which operates with the primary goal of preparedness to reduce risk during incidents and emergencies. Participants will gain insight into the policy, training, exercising, practice, and operational posture that readies Reclamation staff and local partners. The emergency management program complements other Reclamation programs, such as Dam Safety, to keep the public safe.
Other Available Seminars and Workshops
The following seminars and workshops are held, provided there is sufficient interest:
Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams – International Technical Seminar and Study Tour: In most countries throughout the world, interest in the safety of dams has risen significantly in recent years. Aging dams, new hydrologic information, and population growth in floodplain areas downstream from dams has resulted in an increased emphasis on dam safety evaluation as well as operation and maintenance related to the safety of dams. Those responsible for the safety of existing dams must implement policies and procedures that warrant public confidence. This demands professional practices that incorporate the lessons of the past and conform to the most advanced technical state-of-the-art. The need for trained personnel is essential.
The Seminar will provide professional personnel with a comprehensive guide to establishing or enhancing a visual inspection/evaluation program and increase the technical capabilities of those responsible for safety evaluations.
Lectures, case histories, and structured discussions covering all aspects of a dam safety examination program are led by Reclamation engineers or geologists with extensive experience and knowledge in the areas of design, construction, operation, maintenance, and dam safety.
The course outlines the hydrologic, seismic, geotechnical, electrical, mechanical and structural considerations of dam safety as well as operation, maintenance, surveillance, and emergency preparedness. Presentations, case histories, and a walk-through abbreviated examination are used to present the multidiscipline approach to an effective safety of dams program.
International Reservoir Sedimentation and Sustainability Workshop: The primary goal of this workshop is to provide participants with important information about reservoir sediment management for long-term sustainability. Participants at this workshop will gain an understanding about reservoir sedimentation processes and rates, as well as how to analyze and develop conceptual designs of reservoir sediment management systems. The course will cover the basic principles of sediment transport and reservoir sedimentation.
Participants will learn how to compute sediment loads in rivers and the rate at which sediments will accumulate in reservoirs and where they will accumulate. Practical examples of actual field data and advanced numerical modeling is introduced to study alternatives for reservoir sediment management such as sluicing through low-level outlets.
The course presenters are experts from the Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with extensive experience and knowledge in the areas of reservoir sedimentation processes, sediment transport, and sedimentation impacts in rivers. They have been involved in many projects throughout the world assisting on the design and analysis of sustainable reservoirs.
Roller Compacted Concrete Dams and Spillways – International Technical Seminar and Study Tour: The use of RCC in the construction of dams and spillways has become increasingly widespread. RCC techniques are also becoming popular for safety of dams modifications, rehabilitation, spillways, and other aspects of dams. RCC dams combine the safety, aesthetic and maintenance advantages of concrete dams with the low cost and high production rates normally associated with earth or rockfill embankment dams.
Through lectures, case histories, structured discussions, and site visits, led by RCC experts, participants will receive practical training and gain understanding of the planning, design, construction, operation, rehabilitation, and maintenance of RCC dams.
Modern Methods in Canal Operation and Control – International Technical Workshop and Study Tour: Canal automation is widely used to improve the operation of canal systems and to conserve water. Most new canals have automatic control systems, additionally, many older canals are being modernized with data collection, telemetry, and control equipment that helps canal operators better manage their water.
This workshop is designed for canal operators, engineers, and managers interested in canal operation and control. The course covers modern methods to upgrade the operations of exiting canals, including canal automation techniques and equipment. The curriculum includes a combination of classroom discussions, equipment demonstrations, and laboratory workshops that target canal operators, water masters, engineers, and other technical staff.
Course topics include canal hydraulics and operations, local automatic gate control, supervisory control, flow measurement, instrumentation systems, communication systems, canal automation equipment, electrical and mechanical systems, and case studies.
Hydropower, Operation, and Maintenance – International Technical Seminar and Study Tour: The availability of well-trained personnel is a key requirement in the hydropower sector. Aging facilities, abnormal outages, along with the need to enhance the reliability and long-term viability of power facilities, has resulted in an increased emphasis on hydropower facility operation and maintenance. The Review of Operation and Maintenance is an integral part of Reclamation’s power program quality control and performance monitoring processes. Periodic reviews ensure that management and staff understand and follow operation, maintenance, and management standards and practices.
This seminar provides professional personnel with a comprehensive guide to Reclamation’s hydropower review processes and a venue for sharing best practices and ideas for improvement.
Reclamation experts from Denver and notable hydropower facilities such as Glen Canyon Dam and Hoover Dam provide the training and are among staff responsible for the proper operation, maintenance, and structural safety of 53 powerplants and 338 reservoirs. Reclamation has conducted similar training for its own staff as well as technical and administrative officials from other domestic and international agencies.
Water Management, Operation and Maintenance – International Workshop Study Tour: The objective of the workshop is the self-improvement of personnel who are directly responsible for the technical details of operating and maintaining water systems. The workshop also focuses on water conservation and efficient water management activities.
Reclamation engineers, agronomist and technical experts will present case histories, lectures and structured discussions, covering all aspects of water systems management, operation, and maintenance.
The workshop is for supervisors, managers, water masters, and others responsible for or associated with the operation and maintenance of water systems.
Corrosion and Protective Coatings for Water Resource Structures – International Training: This training course familiarizes participants with the issues relating to corrosion of metal and corrosion protection. Discussions and case histories include: how corrosion occurs and methods to minimize and prevent corrosion to infrastructure; protective coatings; cathodic protection; new technologies; and inspection and repair techniques relating to maintenance of infrastructure.
The course will provide hands-on experience to participants who will prepare steel panels, apply coatings, perform both destructive and nondestructive testing, inspect coatings and corrosion, and test cathodic protection systems.
Concrete and Concrete Repair for Water Resources Structures – International Training: This training course covers concrete construction methods to include quality evaluation of concrete aggregates, concrete materials testing, new construction practices, techniques for repairing existing concrete structures, causes of concrete damage, and methods to identify causes of damage. Participants will gain familiarity with materials used such as chemical and mineral admixtures and standard and non-standard repair materials.
Training is conducted by Reclamation’s Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory technical specialists. Staff are experts in concrete and concrete mixing technologies and cement testing.
Reclamation’s Materials Laboratory has had an international reputation for excellence in concrete technology for over 50 years. The laboratory has a complete concrete laboratory that includes aggregate processing and testing, cement testing, mixing room, fog room and environmental chambers, freezing and thawing equipment, sulfate attack, durability testing, chemistry, petrography, and many specialized test facilities. The concrete laboratory is complemented by complete structural testing capabilities including a 5,000,000-pound universal testing machine and vibration laboratory.
Integrated Water Resources Management – International Workshop: The Workshop will provide professional personnel with a comprehensive overview of integrated water resources management techniques. Speakers will share and discuss existing and innovative policies and techniques to promote efficient operation, maintenance, and management of water systems for irrigated agriculture, flood control, recreation, and municipal and industrial uses. Practical application of integrated water resources management will be emphasized. Open discussions will be encouraged.
The speakers and discussion leaders are experts from the Reclamation and specialists from other water resource management entities.
Dam Safety Best Practices in Risk Analysis – International Workshop: Reclamation has been performing risk analyses for well over a decade as the preliminary decision tool for dam safety. The training program, developed by and for Reclamation staff, covers many significant aspects of dam safety risk analysis. Topics include potential failure mode trees, reliability analysis, subjective probability and expert elicitation, erosion of rock and soil, reinforced concrete cavitation-induced failure of spillways, overtopping of walls/stilling basins, seismic risks for embankments, seismic operational failure, construction risks, combining and portraying risks, public risk tolerance and risk guidelines, qualitative and semi-quantitative assessment and facilitating risk analyses.
Emergency Management and Dam Safety Issues
Emergency Action Planning