Instant Data Request Form

Enter a station and other optional information to obtain data collected in 15, 30, or 60 minute intervals depending on the site. The data is output in a table format. The Station Code is a character string name of the station for which data is to be retrieved. The station code input below has a searchable dropdown menu to find a site of interest.

A Parameter Code is a character string name of the specific data to be retrieved. For example AF is the parameter code for Reservoir Storage Content (acre-feet).

  • Start Year: Start Month: Start Day:
  • End Year: End Month: End Day:
  • Optional date format override: Type in a date in YYMMMDD format or a number of look back days from today (i.e. "-5" for five days ago).
  • Station Code (Start typing to search for a station):

  • Select parameter:  

    Add addtional parameters if desired - separate with commas or leave blank for all parameters:   



For further information contact: MBWebmaster

An example of an automated hydrologic and meteorologic monitoring (Hydromet) station that are located throughout the Missouri Basin Region.
An example of an automated hydrologic and meteorologic monitoring (Hydromet) station that are located throughout the Missouri Basin Region.

Last Updated: 8/5/20