Program to Meet Standards

To facilitate effective management of salt discharges into the Lower San Joaquin River, Reclamation is providing near real-time flow and salinity forecasts of the river at Vernalis, Crows Landing, and Maze Road along the river where the water quality objectives were established by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. For implementing the Program to Meet Standards, Reclamation is providing 14-day flow and salinity forecasts daily by using a regression method. Reclamation will continue to maintain the Watershed Analysis Risk Management Model for responding to stakeholder site specific questions as needed. Reclamation utilizes flow forecasts provided by the California-Nevada River Forecast Center in coming up with flow and salinity forecasts. Find the links on the left navigation bar to navigate to these forecasts.




CVSALTS is a non-profit coalition of Public Agencies, Business, Associations and other members working together to better manage salts in the Central Valley of California. Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long-Term Sustainability (CV-SALTS)


For additional information contact:

Jobaid Kabir, PhD, PE
Chief Technical Analysis Branch, CGB-470, Resource Management Division
Bureau of Reclamation | Interior Region 10 - California-Great Basin
2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825 Office: 916/978-5091 | Mobile: 916/212-2809

Last Updated: 7/19/24