Statements of Work

The CVPIA modifies the authorized purposes of the CVP and requires a wide range of environmental improvements and changes/potential changes in how the CVP is operated. Section 3404(c) stated that: "...the Secretary shall renew any existing long-term repayment or water service contract...for a period of 25 years...(after) appropriate environmental review, including the preparation of the environmental impact statement required in section 3409..."

Reclamation released a Notice of Intent to prepare environmental documents on long-term renewal of CVP water contracts in the Federal Register on October 15, 1998. The purpose of the Scopes of Work is to identify the tasks necessary to complete the development of sufficient environmental documentation for future Federal actions of the CVP, including renewal of long-term water service and repayment contracts. The consultants are to prepare an EIS for the CVP addressing the site-specific impacts relating to future Federal actions.

The schedule objective for the overall environmental document process is to have all of the documentation finalized, and the accompanying decision filed in sufficient time so that Reclamation can execute long-term renewal contracts prior to the expiration of the current interim renewal contracts. These scopes of work are undergoing modification to be consistent with the contract negotiation process.

















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Last Updated: 5/11/21