About the CVP Conservation Program and CVPIA Habitat Restoration Program

non interactive image of Shasta DamThe Central Valley Project Conservation Program (CVPCP) and the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA) Habitat Restoration Program (HRP) represent highly integrated efforts to restore and protect species and habitats impacted by the Central Valley Project (CVP).

The CVPCP and HRP are managed cooperatively by Reclamation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), and receive management input from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Both programs are guided by a Technical Team comprised of biologists and managers from these three agencies.

While the programs were established under separate regulatory and legislative authorities, they share the same overall objective of improving conditions for CVP impacted species and habitats. For this reason, the CVPCP and HRP receive proposals and evaluate those applications under a single integrated process.


non interactive image of a Riparian Brush RabbitThe concept for the CVPCP was developed in 1991 during the Endangered Species Act (ESA) section 7 consultation between Reclamation and the Service for the renewal of the Friant Division water contracts. This concept was then applied to CVP water contract renewals and Reclamation's Operations Criteria and Plan (OCAP).

The CVPCP was formally established to address Reclamation's requirements under the ESA. The program is funded at between 1 and 2 million dollars annually. Nearly 130 projects have been funded by the CVPCP since its beginning, and more recent budgets are allowing for funding of five or more projects annually.

The HRP was established under Title 34 of the CVPIA. While many of the actions required by the CVPIA address anadromous fish and migratory waterfowl, subsection 3406 (b)(1) of the CVPIA requires that, “…the Secretary shall make all reasonable efforts consistent with the requirements of this section [Sec. 3406. Fish, Wildlife and Habitat Restoration] to address other identified adverse impacts of the Central Valley Project…” This provision allowed for the establishment of the HRP, and its purpose, to protect, restore, and mitigate for past fish and wildlife impacts of the CVP not already addressed by the CVPIA.

The program is usually funded at 1.5 million dollars annually. The HRP has funded 152 different projects since its beginning, and more recent budgets are allowing for funding of five or more projects annually.

Daniel Strait, Manager, CVP Conservation Program & CVPIA Habitat Restoration Program
Bureau of Reclamation, CGB-152
2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone: (916) 978-5052

My Nguyen
Manager, CVPIA Habitat Restoration Program
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Pacific Southwest Region, Sacramento Field Office
2800 Cottage Way, Room W-2605
Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone: (916) 414-6482

Last Updated: 8/16/23