- Reclamation
- R&D
- Research Projects
- Safety Practices & Protocols for Natural Resources Field Investigators
Safety Practices & Protocols for Natural Resources Field Investigators
Project ID: 7949
Principal Investigator: Allyn Meuleman
Research Topic: Public and Employee Safety
Funded Fiscal Years:
Keywords: None
Research Question
What are the best safety practices/protocols for Reclamation's field personnel to follow when conducting field-based natural resources investigations/monitoring?
Need and Benefit
There is a need for Reclamation to consolidate safety practices/protocols for Natural Resources field investigators to follow when conducting field-based investigations and monitoring. Reclamation personnel conduct a significant number of field-based investigations of natural resources related to our projects. Field-based investigations have inherent safety issues associated with weather, terrain, water (moving or stationary), disease, animal interaction, boating, wading, etc. To develop safety practices/protocols, safety and natural resource specialists from the Pacific Northwest (PN) and Mid-Pacific (MP) regions along with the Denver safety office are forming a team to submit this proposal to scope out a plan to develop safety practices/protocols that can be used by natural resource specialists and technicians throughout Reclamation. The benefit from this investigation would be the identification of potential hazards and mitigation practices and protocols for natural resources personnel to do their jobs safely.
Contributing Partners
Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.
Research Products
Reclamation report that documents the findings of this scoping level project including the development of the research team, results of cursory literature review, and scope for future work.