New Reclamation-wide Maintenance Management Toolset

Project ID: 20203
Principal Investigator: Erin Foraker
Research Topic: Improved Power Generation
Funded Fiscal Years: 2020
Keywords: None

Research Question

Reclamation's aging facilities, a very competitive power market, growing costs and need to respond to new disruptive technologies such as wind and solar power and battery storage systems are all increasing the pressure on Reclamation power production facilities to modernize its services. Reclamation is being challenged to deliver more with less while maintaining high safety and reliability standards and meeting stakeholder commitments.

Need and Benefit

To maximize the benefit of Reclamation's power production assets, which have traditionally undergone time-based maintenance, this effort calls for development of a new condition-based maintenance management tool set that can be implemented Reclamation wide. This research initiates development of a new tool set with an initial focus on predictive maintenance. Initial tasks are to demonstrate the business case for implementing a new maintenance management tool set, define the scope of this new tool set within Reclamation, and identify the data collection and analysis needed to support predictive maintenance.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20