Open Data Pilot for Integrating BOR River and Reservoir topographic and sediment data into RISE

Project ID: 20077
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Bountry
Research Topic: Sediment Management and River Restoration
Funded Fiscal Years: 2020, 2021 and 2022
Keywords: None

Research Question

This project will develop guidelines for best practice methods to format and input Reclamation reservoir and river topographic and sediment data into the newly available RISE program. Best practices for metadata and data format will be developed by reaching out to contacts from USACE and USGS partners through continued collaboration. Pilot data will then be entered into RISE using the proposed best practices. Based on the pilot effort, we will refine the best practices based on lessons learned and create a simple, easy to use guideline for others within Reclamation to add regional and area office survey and sediment data to RISE in the future.

Need and Benefit

Having survey and sediment data in RISE will allow Reclamation's staff and partners to more easily access the data and make the information comparable across locations. Currently, there is no unique platform for data collectors to provide this information in one location within Reclamation.

Contributing Partners

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Last Updated: 6/22/20