Ultrasonic Transducer Field Test for Quagga Mussel Settlement Control

Project ID: 20061
Principal Investigator: Clifton Mower
Research Topic: Invasive Species
Funded Fiscal Years: 2020, 2021 and 2022
Keywords: None

Research Question

The goal of this research study is to determine the effectiveness of ultrasound waves for the prevention of invasive mussel settlement on critical submerged hydropower and water delivery structures and equipment in order to prevent issues associated with flow restriction. Ultrasound waves are not likely to directly kill mussel veligers, but they may reduce food availability for mussels preventing growth and survival. An ultrasound transducer produced for algae control will be tested at Lake Powell, AZ. Mussel settlement and biofouling reduction will first be assessed on settlement plates and if found to be effective will be tested on submerged structures in the forebay at Glen Canyon Dam.

Need and Benefit

The goal of this research project is to determine the effectiveness of ultrasound waves at reducing invasive mussel settlement on submerged water conveyance structures at Reclamation facilities in order to prevent flow reduction and to reduce maintenance costs.

Contributing Partners

Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.

Research Products

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Last Updated: 6/22/20