Scoping proposal for future work - Concrete Condition Assessment for Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR)

Project ID: 1261
Principal Investigator: Douglas Hurcomb
Research Topic: Condition Assessment
Funded Fiscal Years: 2004
Keywords: None

Research Question

Examine the field of Concrete Condition Assessment to determine the state of the art for ASR.

Need and Benefit

This Science and Technology (S&T) Program research project is scoping to inform Reclamation's designers and operation and maintenance (O&M) managers of the state-of-the-art technology in concrete condition assessment for ASR and the options available to them. We need to determine where the state-of-the-art technology falls short so we can focus on affordable and reliable nondestructive methods. We also want to determine if there are areas to improve the state-of-the-art technology in concrete condition assessment for ASR. The deliverable will be a comprehensive recommendation for future work in the condition assessment area for the S&T Program

Contributing Partners

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Last Updated: 6/22/20