Hydropower Program

Hydropower Resource Assessment at Existing Reclamation Facilities - (Final Report, March 2011)

A set of images showing three Reclamation power facilitiesAs a component of the MOU for Hydropower, and recognizing the current national emphasis on renewable energy and its extensive existing water infrastructure systems, Reclamation has produced the Hydropower Resource Assessment at Existing Reclamation Facilities (Resource Assessment) to assess hydropower development at existing facilities to contribute to nationwide renewable energy strategies. This report provides a reconnaissance level assessment of the hydropower potential at 530 sites throughout Reclamation including dams, diversion dams, and some canals and tunnels. All 530 sites were considered in the analysis, of which, 191 sites were determined to have some level of hydropower potential. 70 of those sites, with a total of 225 MW of generation capacity, also show some economic potential for hydropower development. Despite its preliminary level of analysis, the Resource Assessment provides valuable information on hydropower potential at existing Reclamation facilities.

Interior Report Reveals Potential to Generate Significant Clean Electricity and Create Jobs at Existing Dam Facilities (March 31, 2011)

Hydropower Resource Assessment at Existing Reclamation Facilities
(Final Report - March 2011)

Resource Assessment List of 70 Sites with Potential for Additional Hydropower

Resource Assessment Summary Data

Audio of Press Conference (Transcript)

In addition to the report, the “Hydropower Energy and Economic Analysis Tool” is an integral feature of the report that is being made available to the public.  This tool is a model that allows interested parties to conduct reconnaissance level hydropower assessments with minimal data inputs (location, flow and head).

To download a copy of the Hydropower Energy and Economic Analysis Tool click here.




Last Updated: 2/4/16