Project Details
Title: Visitor Services Plan for the Lake Berryessa Resource Area EIS
Tracking Number:
Summary: Develop a Visitor Services Plan for the Lake Berryessa Resource Area. This will identify the type and level of commercial facilities and services that are necessary and appropriate for future long-term operations. The current concession contracts expire in 2009 and the Visitor Services Plan will be used as a basis for future concession prospectuses
06/06/2006Notice of Intent published 11/7/00 (FR Volume 65, Number 216). Draft EIS published 10/31/03 (FR Volume 68: 62097) Final EIS published 11/4/05 Record of Decision signed 6/2/06 PROBLEMS VIEWING OR DOWNLOADING FILES? PLEASE CONTACT LYNNETTE WIRTH AT (916)978-5102
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Record Of Decision .pdf 970 B
FEIS, Main Document, Berryessa VSP .pdf 932 B
FEIS, Attach. 1; Attach. 2, part 1, Berryessa VSP .pdf 450 B
FEIS, Attach. 2, part 2, Berryessa VSP No File Extension Given 353 B
FEIS, Attach. 2, part 3, Berryessa VSP No File Extension Given 754 B
FEIS, Attach. 2 appendices; Attach. 3-9; Attach. 10 part1; Berryessa VSP No File Extension Given 865 B
FEIS, Attach. 10 part 2; Attach. 11; Berryessa VSP No File Extension Given 1,232 B
FEIS, Attach. 12-19, Berryessa VSP No File Extension Given 1,219 B
FEIS, Attach. 20, Berryessa VSP No File Extension Given 1,809 B
FEIS, Who to Contact to Get Public Comments, Berryessa VSP .pdf 7 B
FEIS, Figures 1 and 2 (p. 32a-h), Berryessa VSP .pdf 4,250 B
FEIS, Map #1 (page 65a), Berryessa VSP .pdf 872 B
FEIS, Map #2 (page 65b), Berryessa VSP .pdf 920 B
FEIS, Map #3 (Page 65c), Berryessa VSP .pdf 924 B
FEIS, Map #4 (Page 65d), Berryessa VSP .pdf 917 B
FEIS, Map #5 (Page 65e), Berryessa VSP .pdf 785 B
FEIS, Map #6 (Page 65f), Berryessa VSP .pdf 837 B