Project Details
Title: Categorical Exclusion Checklists for SCCAO in 2017
Summary: Attached are completed Categorical Exclusion Checklists (CECs) for 2017 for our South Central California Area Office. A CEC excludes certain categories of Federal actions from further NEPA documentation because these categories of actions have been determined in a public process to have no significant affect on the environment nor do they involve unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources.
Jennifer Lewis 559-487-5197 N/A
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
Kate Connor 559-262-0337 N/A
01/01/20172017 SCCAO CE Checklists
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
CEC-16-050 Geologic Investigation of the Turlock Lake Formation at Millerton Lake State Recreation Area .pdf 250,204 B
Jones Pumping Plant No. 6 Rewind Project .pdf 437,408 B
Mechanical Harvesting of Non-Native Invasive Aquatic Weeds at the Rock Slough Fish Screen 2017 Part 1 .pdf 5,218,101 B
Mechanical Harvesting of Non-Native Invasive Aquatic Weeds at the Rock Slough Fish Screen 2017 Part 2 .pdf 6,457,551 B
Land Use Authorization for the City of Huron and Arroyo Pasajero Mutual Water Company's Water Rights Diversion Project .pdf 709,298 B
Contra Costa Water District Inclusion of the North Peak Equestrian Center .pdf 706,718 B
Poso Creek Water Company South-of-Delta 215 Contract for Contract Year 2017 .pdf 387,788 B
Arvin-Edison Water Storage District South-of-Delta 215 Contract for Contract Year 2017 .pdf 846,765 B
Additional Point of Delivery for up to 10,000 Acre Feet of Westlands Water District's 2017 Contract Supply .pdf 168,078 B
Millerton Helicopter Facilities .pdf 866,636 B
Land Use Authorization for the Southern California Edison Santa Barbara County Reliability Project .pdf 4,651,509 B
Cachuma Drought Contingency Plan Pumping Barge Relocation .pdf 1,396,694 B
Madera Canal O&M Agreement .pdf 370,837 B
Westlands Water District License Renewals for San Luis Canal and Coalinga Canal .pdf 985,900 B
Contra Costa Water District kV Line Inspection and Repair between Pumping Plants 1 and 3 .pdf 825,682 B
Friant Division 215 Contracts for Contract Year 2018 .pdf 851,509 B
Installation of Trail Mile Markers along the San Joaquin River .pdf 366,454 B
Land Use Authorization for State Parks Millerton North Shore Phone Line Upgrade Project .pdf 1,681,757 B
Land Use Authorization to PG&E for lnstallation of an Overhead Electrical Service Line Hills Valley Drain off Friant Kern Canal (MP 40.85) .pdf 525,546 B
Land Use Authorization to PG&E for Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of a new Electrical Crossing at Lateral 32.2-9.9-1.55 and Avenue 19 1/2 in Madera, California .pdf 573,180 B
Santa Clara Conduit SVl & SV2 Proposed Cathodic Protection .pdf 1,468,281 B
Water and Power Upgrades at the Tracy Fish Facility .pdf 863,253 B