Project Details
Title: Truckee-Carson Irrigation District Lewis Wasteway Replacement and Low Head Hydroelectric Project
Summary: TCID is proposing to replace the Lewis Wasteway structure, which suffered a structure failure in June 2008. The structure was replaced with a compacted earthen embankment. Replacement of the Wasteway would: restore the ability to evacuate the V-Line Canal during an emergency event; allow TCID operational flexibility in delivering water to the Newlands system; and reduce risk to the urbanized reaches of the V-Line Canal. In addition to replacement of the Lewis Wasteway, TCID is requesting the authorization, development, and implementation of a Lease of Power Privilege Agreement No. 14-LC-20-0500 and the issuance of Permit No. 14-LC-20-0498 for the construction and installation of a small conduit low head hydroelectric unit and related appurtenances at two structures located within the Newlands Project. The Permit would authorize TCID to construct additions or make alterations to facilities under Reclamation?s jurisdiction and water used for conduit hydroelectric power generation would be incidental to the use of water for Reclamation project purposes.
Julia Long 530-276-2044 N/A
07/09/2014FONSI signed and EA completed on July 9, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI. Truckee-Carson Irrigation District Lewis Wasteway Replacement and Low Head Hydroelectric Project .pdf 356 B
EA-Final. Truckee-Carson Irrigation District Lewis Wasteway Replacement and Low Head Hydroelectric Project .pdf 2,466 B
EA-Draft. Truckee-Carson Irrigation District Lewis Wasteway Replacement and Low Head Hydroelectric Project .pdf 4,283 B