Project Details
Title: Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District
Summary: Reclamation proposes to issue a Warren Act contract for the introduction of up to 23,000 acre-feet/year of non-CVP water from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch into the DMC for storage and conveyance to Del Puerto Water District for a period not to exceed four years.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
08/04/2014FONSI signed and Final EA completed on July 30, 2014.
05/23/2014The comment period has been extended to May 30, 2014.
05/05/2014Draft EA and FONSI available for public review on May 5, 2014. Comments are due May 19, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Final EA and FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 2,735 B
Appendices A - D, Final EA and FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 3,246 B
Appendix E, Set 1, Final EA and FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 3,413 B
Appendix E, Set 2, Final EA and FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 4,411 B
Appendix E, Set 3, Final EA and FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 3,999 B
Appendix E, Set 4, Final EA and FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 4,918 B
Appendix E, Set 5, Final EA and FONSI,Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 5,270 B
Appendix F, Final EA and FONSI,Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 1,694 B
Draft EA and FONSI, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 1,629 B
Draft EA Appendices, Warren Act Contract for Conveyance and Storage of Groundwater from 4-S Ranch and SHS Ranch to Del Puerto Water District .pdf 3,368 B