Agricultural Chemicals Applied near TFCF

Click on the links below to view HTML data tables summarizing 1997 agricultural chemical applications on land near the TFCF, along with the fish and mammal toxicity data used to calculate toxicity ranking scores for these chemicals. These data were obtained from the San Joaquin County Office of the Agricultural Commissioner and were originally summarized in the Tracy Volume 9 report. Contact Kathy Fenton if you have have questions or need help.

Agricultural Chemicals of Concern for the TFCF (PDF - 84 KB)

This table summarizes the agricultural chemicals that have the highest toxicity to fish and are applied in the greatest amounts in the immediate vicinity of the TFCF. Likely application months are also included for each Chemical of Concern.

Agricultural Chemicals and Amounts Applied

These data summarize each of the 1997 chemical applications for townships and ranges in the immediate vicinity of the TFCF. Data include chemical name, amounts and dates applied, and township and range.

Agricultural Chemicals Toxicology Information

These data summarize all the agricultural chemical applied near the TFCF and their toxicity scores ranging from 1 (not toxic) to 5 (very toxic). This table also provides toxicology data from the State of California and the 2002 Farm Chemicals Handbook.

Agricultural Chemicals Names and Synonyms

This is a simple table that lists the commercial, common, and scientific names using International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAC) nomenclature for chemicals applied near the TFCF.

Download All Tables in Excel 2002 Workbook (640 KB)

J. Carl Dealy, TFFIP Manager
(209) 836-6236

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Last Updated: 7/16/20