Water Conservation

Conservation Education

Bi-National Water Festival - Sponsored by: Waste Management Education & Research Consortium (WERC)

Photos of kids watching a demonstration at water festival

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Water Conservation Field Services Program provided funding for the Tri-City, Tri-State, Bi-National Water Festival since 1998. The water festival is held every year with venues in Las Cruces, New Mexico; El Paso, Texas; and Juarez Mexico. Even though other environmental topics are discussed, the main focus of the water festival is to inform the public about water and water conservation with emphasis on local area issues. The festival reaches 6,000 to 10,000 students and adults annually, and the goal is to encourage good sound water management practices on both sides of the United States and Mexican border.

The water festival is produced by the Water Management Education and Research Consortium (WERC). A steering committee was formed to encourage local participation and help WERC with the development of the festival. Other members of the steering committee including WERC and Reclamation are the New Mexico State Engineer's Office, Environmental Protection Agency, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, International Boundary and Water Commission, and El Paso Water Utilities.

Contact: Waste Management Education & Reserarch Consortium(WERC) (505) 646-2038.

Activities and Accomplishments

Last Updated: 4/4/17