Water Treatment Systems/Equipment

The Water Treatment Lab has the capability to build experimental and pilot scale testing systems and test a wide variety of water treatment processes. Membrane treatment systems can be tested at a range of scales, from small swatch tests up to 2.5” elements. Granular activated carbon (GAC) processes can be characterized using rapid small scale column tests (RSSCTs), and ion exchange treatment and regeneration processes can be tested using pilot scale columns.

 Photo of Corrosion Laboratory
Water Treatment Laboratory
Treatment Systems Description
Experimental Membrane Testing Unit Membranes: 3” x 1” flat sheet, up to 9 test cells in series
Typical Operation: 3 L/min @ 400 psi
Purpose: Characterization of membrane transport properties
 Photo of EMTU
Membrane Element Testing Unit Membranes: 2.5” Spiral Elements
Typical Operation: 6 L/min @ 400 psi
Data collection integrated with Labview
Purpose: Laboratory testing of spiral wound reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membranes, fouling and cleaning studies
Membrane Swatch Testing Unit Membranes: 6” x 3.75” flat sheet, up to 4 elements
Typical Operation: 1 L/min @ 400 psi
Data collection integrated with Labview
Purpose: RO, NF, and forward osmosis (FO) membrane characterization, fouling and cleaning experiments.
Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Rapid Small Scale Column Testing (RSSCT) Media: Granular Activated Carbon
Purpose: Organic carbon, micropollutant and taste/odor compound removal
Ion Exchange Column Tests Column: 2” diameter x 5” height
Media: ion exchange resin
Purpose: Nitrate, organic carbon, trace metal (e.g., chromium) removal

Analytical Capabilities

The Water Treatment Lab can characterize water samples for a range of water quality parameters including alkalinity, pH, free chlorine, absorbance and many HACH® methods.

 Photo of Coatings Laboratory
Water Treatment Laboratory
Instrument Specifications Analyses
Genesys® 20 Spectrophotometer Wavelength range: 325-1100 nm
Cell: 1 cm cuvette
Sample absorbance/transmittance
Hach® DR2500 Spectrophotometer Wavelength range; 365 - 880 nm Sample absorbance/transmittance
Hach colorimetric analyses
RealTech UV254 P200 photometer Wavelength: 254 nm Absorbance at 254 nm for organic matter characterization
Hach 2100 Turbidimeter Turbidity in nephelometric units (NTU)
Hach Digital Titrator Titration methods Alkalinity, Hardness by EDTA titration, Chromate
Hach Pocket Colorimeter Range: 0.02 to 2.00 mg/L Cl2 or 0.1 to 8.0 mg/L Cl2 Free chlorine by DPD method
Other Basic Wet Chemistry pH, conductivity, ORP, temperature, free chlorine
Last Updated: 1/16/25