Wall Gage Creator

Wall Gage Creator is a stand-alone program that makes the wall gage creation module of WinFlume available as a separate program, for use with any hydraulic structure having a rating table or rating equation. Version 1.0 was released on October 17, 2008.

Wall Gage Creator can load rating table data from a text file or generate rating table points from a power-curve equation. The program is an excellent companion to the USBRWeir calculator spreadsheet. It is also very useful for generating staff gages for compound weirs and other structures with unusual rating equations. Simply use a spreadsheet to generate rating table points from any complex equation, then cut-and-paste to a text file for import into Wall Gage Creator.

Wall gage images can be printed to paper or PDF files, using 3rd-party PDF print driver utilities, such as: Adobe Acrobat, PDF Creator, TinyPDF, CutePDF, PDF995, etc. Wall gages can be fabricated by many sign shops and trophy stores, or visit the list of on-line links to wall-gage fabricators.

Software Setup Kit

Download Wall Gage Creator - This setup kit is intended for Windows 95 and newer systems.

Related Tools and Information

Broad-crested weir with custom wall gage

Last Updated: 6/17/16