Leslie Stillwater

This person is no longer with Reclamation.

Contact Information: Bureau of Reclamation Research and Development Office, (303) 445-2125, research@usbr.gov

Research Funded by the Science and Technology Program

Leslie Stillwater began doing research for the Science and Technology Program in the 2004 fiscal year, with funding provided by the program as recently as the 2008 fiscal year. Projects were funded under the Science and Technology Program research topics Water Supply Forecasting and Water Operation Models and Decision Support Systems.

The following research projects were funded in whole or in part by the Science and Technology Program. Leslie Stillwater is listed as the principal investigator, or primary researcher. Click the project's title to view more information.

Past Climate Change and GW Pumping Influences on Historic Streamflow Traces and the Consequences of Using Historic Streamflow Traces in Operations Planning

Project ID: 8404
Fiscal Year of Funding: 2008
Research Results: Please contact research@usbr.gov about research products related to this project.

Enhanced Simulation, Decision Support, and Presentation Capabilities for Modsim, a River Systems Management Model

Project ID: 802
Fiscal Years of Funding: 2004 - 2006
Research Results: MODSIM-DSS River Basin Management Model Enhancements (final, PDF, 1.0MB)

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Last Updated: 11/17/20